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Am looking for the better shotgun coaches names from your own personal experience and your candid recommendation comments. Why? Making a listing (see profile).
Question to all: On the whole would anyone taking tips and learning from them be able to do it and progress if they shot less than a few times a month or realistically are you sort of needing to shoot 2, 3+ times a week as many do on here to be able to remember what you did a few days ago and alter or concrete in what is needed? Wondering if that's a potential stumbling block or not to improvement via memory and repetition, if you take away the relatively obvious fact that shooting more gives you a better chance to get better..Gave me about 6 key areas to go away and work on.
It’s a blend. Sadly, there is no substitute for shooting a lot. Even people with bad habits do quite well if they have shot plenty for many years. BUT if you can really get the basics right early days, before shooting loads, it will really help, even if you don’t shoot loads. But specifically, I think if you shoot less than twice a month you will just barely remember what you shot last time.. I had a lesson with Mark Marshall when I first started and he asked me how much I shot. When I said once a week he just said it wasn’t enough..Question to all: On the whole would anyone taking tips and learning from them be able to do it and progress if they shot less than a few times a month or realistically are you sort of needing to shoot 2, 3+ times a week as many do on here to be able to remember what you did a few days ago and alter or concrete in what is needed? Wondering if that's a potential stumbling block or not to improvement via memory and repetition, if you take away the relatively obvious fact that shooting more gives you a better chance to get better..
Absolutely. No rules about what shooting should be to each person. I guess I must have told him I wanted to get better at competitive shooting. There are many folk who have shot all their life, stay at small clubs, don’t hit much, socialise. It’s not for me but who am I to tell them they are wrong. (I think some just haven’t SEEN better shoots, which is a shame..)Presumably if told that, one needs to know it's not enough for what, precisely: down to what you want to achieve, i guess. I would postulate then in that scenario, logic would then dictate you dont bother with lessons, spend the money on cartridges, and just enjoy shooting for what it is and the enjoyment it gave you when you first decided to take it up.
Handy if you're just naturally good at It I guess. Aaah, the joys of shooting.
Jamaican footballerI love that some people are talented in multiple sports...
Jamaican footballerI love that some people are talented in multiple sports...
Jamaican footballerI love that some people are talented in multiple sports...
I ma guessing you have never seen Mark in the flesh or picturelmao, how on earth did you get a like from MY post?!
Ah, see what you mean. One word: athlete.I ma guessing you have never seen Mark in the flesh or picture
He has. And grown a beard. The former can is to be lauded, the latter I'm not so sure about.Mark has shed a fair few lbs since mind,
It also might be that some people only do club shoots for financial reasons, its not a cheap sport,take actual costs without kidding your self, mileage/depreciation on vehicle,obviously shells and entry fees, and overnight stays for those long way of comps, its not unheard of for people to be spending £300 a week, now thats serious monies your not getting back after doing it five or six years.Absolutely. No rules about what shooting should be to each person. I guess I must have told him I wanted to get better at competitive shooting. There are many folk who have shot all their life, stay at small clubs, don’t hit much, socialise. It’s not for me but who am I to tell them they are wrong. (I think some just haven’t SEEN better shoots, which is a shame..)
Ha ha. Yes, I was doing well in semi retirement but have now returned to work most days.. oh well. I’m sure I’ll still squeeze in plenty of mid week shoots (and some coaching) but the diary is now a juggling act.Funny thing is that most of us here will have been competitive in whichever area of clay shooting and always wanting a bit more spare time to put the hours in due to work and family committments not always easy.
Retire, brilliant, loads of spare time so whats the bloody salary now no competitions no entry fee...................oh well it a good job I enjoy the fun of shooting anyway.