Renewal question - first timer....

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2012
Hi all,

This may have been covered before, but my cert expired today even though I applied for renewal at the end of Jan.

I have received a letter acknowledging receipt of my application for renewal along with payment etc, but I've not as yet had a call about a visit.

Sorry if this is dumb question, but can I still use my gun or not? Let's say I'm stopped on the way to or from a shoot by the police and they see my cert has expired...what happens then?

I guess I should give them a call, but just thought I'd ask on here tonight first.

Thanks all.

You would actually be breaking the Law. Contact FALO  immediately ask for your certificate immediately and if they cannot supply immediately ask for a section7 certificate. I think you will find a certificate will wing its way to you.

Thanks for the advice Peter, I'll give them a call first thing.

In the meantime I'll keep my guns under lock & key until the cert arrives.

West Mids and Staffs are combined. During my recent renewal, I spoke with them and found them to be friendly, courteous and helpful. 

You would actually be breaking the Law. Contact FALO  immediately ask for your certificate immediately and if they cannot supply immediately ask for a section7 certificate. I think you will find a certificate will wing its way to you.
+1 The Chief Constable should be made aware if they won't issue you with a s7 certificate immediately.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

If I were you I would put your guns into a rfd, or a friends safe. Although its not your fault, you are in possession of a firearm without a valid cert. 

Oh gawd.......looks like a job for the morning, sadly I don't know anyone locally...

What a PITA...

Oh gawd.......looks like a job for the morning, sadly I don't know anyone locally...

What a PITA...
Ring your feo first, explain what you intend to do, they might put a section 7 in the post, but ask for conformation by email so you have something in writing in case the want to be funny.

Thanks all.

I'm in Stoke, only problem I have tomorrow is I'm out of the area most of the day with a work appoupintment I can duck out of at short notice, so not a lot of 'day' time to do much with.

I'm now worried that if I ring the FEO I'll come home to find my house surrounded by blue flashing lights and SWAT.

I'd just assumed this kind of delay was 'normal', I almost didn't even post the question....


 I am an RFD so could store your guns for you if necessary (no charge).

Ring Staffs today , they will probably sort it for you. It's their muddle after all . Any problems call me.

Tinker bell said:
Iggy...take Salop up on that you get the Section 7.
The law is black and white on this ....even if it is not your fault and you applied in time.
A jobs worth will send you down the 5 years in clink route for possession without a licence.
We have had 2 of these cases in the last 3 years. Courts do not understand the intricacies they just go by the book.
For anyone.....if your time is running out you have to demand a section 7 BEFORE your licence runs out and not afterwards....!!

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk


Please can you put me on your approved friends list ;)

That way i dont have to explain why i'm visiting the Clink at christmas time,  :)

Was it a fruit or madeira cake you prefer ;)


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The bad news is forces seldom issue temporary certificates now. An RFD is your only option i'm afraid.

Give your firearms licensing department a call but as they're most likely overworked and understaffed you'll probably be waiting a while.

Called the police today and they told me not to long as I have the receipt confirming my application was in good time etc (which I have) then it's just a matter of waiting for the backlog to clear.

I asked about using/transporting my gun etc and they said that as the database is national, if I am stopped then they can see and check that I've applied for a renewal.

Seems like it's just down to plain backlog....

I'm half reassured and half not now....not sure what to do for the best.

Never had a delay from Lancashire in six renewals. I do not for one minute dispute what has been said or advised but it seems strange to me that you would be in bother if you have applied in time and it's all documented ?

But as I say tinker (and others) seem to know what there talking about so on that basis and what falo have said verbally, I would be inclined to get falo to email you with what he said.


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