Renewal question - first timer....

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Well that's better than nothing.

But it's still leaving you in a potentially difficult situation. The question is does the email consitute a "Temporary Permission to Possess.."? And; as I have said before, the FEO or whomever it was who sent the email, whilst obviously being helpful, are they authorised to issue such permission?  

Anyway, 'nuff said...............I hope you get your proper Cert' soon. :good:

Cheers Finners, to be honest I'm not sure what more there is I can do at this stage.

I'm half tempted not to shoot at all and leave everything under lock and key until the new cert arrives, just in case I do get stopped whilst out and about.

Certainly a lesson for the future, get my renewal application in 6 months before it's due.....

Cheers Finners, to be honest I'm not sure what more there is I can do at this stage.

I'm half tempted not to shoot at all and leave everything under lock and key until the new cert arrives, just in case I do get stopped whilst out and about.

Certainly a lesson for the future, get my renewal application in 6 months before it's due.....
If we were standing in a pub chatting, I'd say it's a risk assessment. ie In all the years I've been shooting, I have never once been asked to show my Cert to a Police Officer. I was even involved in a motor accident once, I did not want to leave the Gun in the unattended car, so I popped it over my shoulder in it's slip. When Mr Plod arrived, he didn't even ask me what it was!

So, in the real world........ what are the chances? I don't know, but of course you simply should not be in this posiiton. As for 6 months, I'd go with a full 3 as a minimum.

Thanks for this topic. It's given me the heads up to plan the best way to deal with my first renewal.  My guns and my husbands guns are on both of our licences, both of which run out at the same time.  I think I'll send my renewal in 6 months early and then hopefully get mine back in plenty of time for him to send his on.  That way at least we won't have to be worried about the guns being held legally and one of us will be able to get cartridges etc.

Trouble is, your renewal is invited. You don't decide when to do it? My wife's renewal came through in December. She processed it in January and the expiry date is April 20th. She has chased them (as cheque was cashed but nothing done). They replied saying she would just get a phone call (presumably to ask if she has become mentally unstable recently), because our house storage was inspected regarding my own certificate a year ago. Then the cert would be granted.

Trouble is, your renewal is invited. You don't decide when to do it? My wife's renewal came through in December. She processed it in January and the expiry date is April 20th. She has chased them (as cheque was cashed but nothing done). They replied saying she would just get a phone call (presumably to ask if she has become mentally unstable recently), because our house storage was inspected regarding my own certificate a year ago. Then the cert would be granted.
Mine wasn't Will.

I just followed some general advice (possibly off here) about getting in 12 weeks before it was due. AFAIK there is no obligation on the Police to send a reminder, it's down to you to remember. Presumably some forces send remiders and some don't.

I am so glad I live in Greater Manchester Police’s area. Last time I sent my renewal off on a Tuesday, got a phone call on the Friday to arrange a visit for 10 am Sunday, I received my Licence  back Wednesday in the post, so an eight day turnaround.

My FEO, gave me the following statement

They will issue a reminder & associated paperwork for renewal 6 weeks  before the renewal date.

If i fill in and return said paperwork promptly, it is there responisbility to have the replacement certificate in place to cover the expiring cert.


Is this not a bit like current car tax. You have done everything you should have but have no paperwork to prove it however it's all documented on computamajig for any plod to check. Job covered.

IPS, if only it was that simple, sadly it is not.

Iggy now faces the possibility of not being able to change is gun, buy a new one , or buy cartridges , or travel abroad with his gun for possibly 3-12 months!

If he politely asked for a section 7 certificate to cover himself , no doubt his certificate would arrive post haste .

Chief Constables don't like evidence that their constabulary are inefficient, FLO's don't like disciplinary action from the Chief Constable.

All good info for future reference however never had a delay with Lancs as yet

Well I must say my room at 'The Tower' is very nice...great view of the moat in particular.

Food's not bad, if you like weavils that is and they say I've got to get up nice and early tomorrow morning for a haircut. They said 'chop' but I assume that's a haircut......

Anyway, if anything untowards should happen I'm leaving my body to the CPSA in the hope they can isolate the gene that makes people miss and formulate an effective antidote.

Just been nominated as a referee on a renewal for a friend and I note many changes to wording. You no longer sign a photo you only need to have known them for two years you now only have to be a good character not a professional sort and you don't sign or fill in the form so does that mean that police contact you at some stage ?

I was contacted when put down as a referee on the new forms so assuming that is normal

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As a matter of interest did they phone write or email ?

For info I didn't get a visit this time, just a telephone interview which took about 5 minutes.

This took place on Monday this week and the cert arrived today.

If I say so myself I do look rather dashing in the new look style photos....

Just filled out my renewal for Lincolnshire. Letter came 15 weeks before renewal, they request that the forms be returned 12 weeks prior. Lincs also state that if you return the forms later than the 12 weeks prior you may have to transfer the ownership of your guns if your license expires before they've issued a replacement. Basically if its not in 12 weeks before they won't guarantee a renewal in time and its up to you to make sure your guns are on a valid certificate at all times.

Just filled out my renewal for Lincolnshire. Letter came 15 weeks before renewal, they request that the forms be returned 12 weeks prior. Lincs also state that if you return the forms later than the 12 weeks prior you may have to transfer the ownership of your guns if your license expires before they've issued a replacement. Basically if its not in 12 weeks before they won't guarantee a renewal in time and its up to you to make sure your guns are on a valid certificate at all times.
Pretty much the same as Thames Valley Police. My previous SGC expired on 12th March and my renewal letter came in November, I got the new certificate last month.

When did you get your renewal letter Iggy?


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