EJ Churchills for me today. Had the pleasure of Bebo on our squad. Always nice to shoot with fellow forum members.
Typical EJC course, although softer than usual. Had my gun fit assessed last week, which had now resulted in a stock that is 15-1/2" rather than the 16" I've been swinging around the last few years. Also persuaded to shoot gun down, instead of my previously shouldered, but face off the stock approach. So in I went, gun down (FITASC amount down

Started off out the gate pretty well, dropping the odd 1s, then on stand 5? or 6? the wheels fell off. Had one of them "I have no idea what I'm doing moments, and gave plenty of lead to targets that required almost none. Dropped 5 on one stand.
Finished on an 81, which although is around my average, I'm still kicking myself for trashing one stand. Think I'm going to prefer the gun down approach though, given some more time for it to sink in.
High gun when I left was a fantastic 99. Top bombing from Bebo too, who showed the rest of our squad how to do it.