Shooting Glasses. Do we need them?

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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I wear normal frameless specs, can you fit shooting specs over them?  They do not sound very comfortable
Me too AW13.

Generally no, they don't fit over normal glasses. The options I have used have been Shooting glasses with a prescription insert fixed behind the lense, or full prescription protective shooting glasses.

Not all shooting glasses accept an insert and not all can be bought in prescription format (although the better ones can)

Look up Ed Lyons on this forum. He is our resident "Man to go to" and knows much more than anyone else on this subject. He may be along with a post later.  :biggrin:

I was reading about various shooting PPE on the CPSA web site and to be honest it they need to make they minds up

In one sentence it's recommended, In the next it's compulsory and in the next it's mandatory 

and what head protection do they recommend hard hat?

I quote;

"In the CPSA Safety Course, the CPSA recommends three types of protection, Eyes, Ears and Head.

Hearing Protection

Hearing protection, either muffs or plugs, are advisable at all times when shooting or in the company of others who are shooting. Indeed it is compulsory to wear some form of hearing protection at CPSA registered competitions. Damaged hearing cannot be restored - prevention is the answer.

The European standards for hearing protection are:
EN352-1:  This covers protection afforded by earmuffs.
EN352-2:  This covers protection afforded by earplugs.
EN353-3:  This covers protection afforded by muffs attached to a helmet.

Eye Protection

Shooting glasses, as from January 1st 2004, are mandatory whilst shooting or in the company of shooters at all registered shoots. Glasses will not only protect your eyes from stray pieces of broken clay but also from falling lead and any gun malfunctions. Glasses can be additionally beneficial in difficult light conditions, with appropriately tinted lenses.

CPSA Eye Protection Policy: The wearing of adequate and effective visible eye protection by shooters, trappers, officials and spectators at or around any shooting position at all Registered events is mandatory from 1st January 2004. It is recommended that this protection be to a minimum standard of BSEN 166 F details of which are available by clicking here."

I have never not worn something to protect my eyes whenever I do anything that has a definite risk to eyesight involved.  Shopwork, bicycle, motorcycle, shooting, whatever.  

I use Decot glass cut to my prescription and have never had cause to find fault of any kind with them.  Great product, great people to deal with.

Your eyes, your ears, do what you like with them.

Besta luck

