Shooting style

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you bend um i will mend them gun up dont make me laugh what a loud of bbbbbbb  

Good luck Joe in your upcoming ballot for CPSA director. I am not in your region so cannot vote.

Yes Joe, gun up. Not shooting gun up increases the chance of mistakes. I haven't the time nor inclination to explain why here but i'd be happy to give you a lesson in the future if you like.

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Skeet in the states is gun up. That's the way they are taught, end of!

However in the UK where we have seemingly more wind and rain during the competition season we have top shooters who shoot skeet using both gun up and down. There is no right or wrong way, its what works for you and in many instances its usually the way your coach shoots.

I shoot skeet gun up, because.I find it is less to think about. Having said that if I had my time over again with the experience I have I would shoot gun down.

I think it is a much more relaxed shooting style and easily transferable to game shooting / sporting etc.

For those thinking about shooting skeet to a top level, get a lesson from both Todd bender and Joe Kitson then choose for yourself!!

when i need a lesson from the moderater thats the day i WILL pack up shooting it would be like the pot calling the kettel black  i am now on the floor doing the dieing fly carnt get up for loughing

Without stating the obvious , but Vincent and Amber both shoot Olympic Skeet, in which the rules are you that have to shoot gun up  ! So using the fact that Vincent and Amber shoot gun  down ( a different discipline )  when discussing the best style to shoot English  Skeet or Nssa , does'nt really count !  I think if you took the top 100 English Skeet and Nssa  shooters worldwide  over 90 maybe 95 % of them shoot gun up , so looking at the astounding number of 100 / 400 /550  straights between them you would have to say the best method is without a doubt gun up . But if you prefer to shoot gun down its a personal choice . Have to say though that shooting gun down tends to look more elegant ! But when it comes to performance it's about winning not elegance !  

Blaser f3, you're right, I'd estimate about 80% of shooters shoot gun up now. Gun down tends to suit the swing through style and as relatively few use this method it's diminishing in popularity.

One only needs to look across the pond to see how effective their style is. For those that are interested, Todd's first 'fundamentals' video is well worth watching if you're trying to learn that technique.

lads i hate to pxxss on you chips but it was the cpsa who bought in gun up to make it easier for people coming into the sport of skeet shooting, also dont see many yanks over here shooting in the wind and rain,

Got to ask yourself though, how many yanks would want to come over here to shoot in the wind and rain.  :fie:   :fie:

they only like sunshine and shorts, so you tell me why people spend all this money, thers only one i no to who is any good,


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