Shooting without chokes

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Gene Holmes

Well-known member
Jun 18, 2013
Herts/Beds Border
Yesterday I noticed a few guys shooting one stand with no chokes fitted.

The manual that came with my B525 says do not shoot without chokes as damage can occur.

I don't suppose they are inferring the barrels are going to explode, but I guess there may be a risk of damage to the threads.

Anyone else do this?

Does it damage anything?

Isn't it the same as using Cylinder choke?

Yesterday I noticed a few guys shooting one stand with no chokes fitted.

The manual that came with my B525 says do not shoot without chokes as damage can occur.

I don't suppose they are inferring the barrels are going to explode, but I guess there may be a risk of damage to the threads.

Anyone else do this?

Does it damage anything?

Isn't it the same as using Cylinder choke?
Shooting without a choke fitted is rather stupid! Yes the thread is going to be hit by some fast moving lead, not a good idea and it will do sod all for the patterns either!

Yesterday I noticed a few guys shooting one stand with no chokes fitted.

The manual that came with my B525 says do not shoot without chokes as damage can occur.

I don't suppose they are inferring the barrels are going to explode, but I guess there may be a risk of damage to the threads.

Anyone else do this?

Does it damage anything?

Isn't it the same as using Cylinder choke?
Often used to do it with my Beretta 390, you just get a bit of carbon build up in the threads but no damage, the Beretta Mobil choke key has a thread cleaner on one end... I used to run that in a few times and then put the choke back in... Just experimenting after reading a section about it on Shotgun world ..... They termed it " shooting the threads" ...patterned ok for skeet but pretty pointless for anything else!

You might eventually strip/wear the threads with the plastic wad...wouldn't do it myself, defiantly not with fibre wads...

What on earth would be the point in not using a choke, still if you want a 'blown' pattern who am I to moan, just hope your shooting off against me! I like the advantage of the best pattern I can throw.

What on earth would be the point in not using a choke, still if you want a 'blown' pattern who am I to moan, just hope your shooting off against me! I like the advantage of the best pattern I can throw.
Not sure why they're doing it. I haven't been shooting that long, so avoiding choke swapping. Just keep 1/4 & 1/4 in all the time and it seems to do the trick.

The stand they were shooting had two very low and close incommers. 10 /10 all day long even for a newbie like me.

What on earth would be the point in not using a choke, still if you want a 'blown' pattern who am I to moan, just hope your shooting off against me! I like the advantage of the best pattern I can throw.
I shot threads at The Classic very close Rabbit and at The close rabbit at Hepworth last week.

Now I know it probably made sweet fanny adams difference to the pattern at 5/10ft but in my mind I was throwing 5ft spreads out.

Helped me in my own way.

Shoot quarter and quarter at everything - makes no odds if the dangerous end is in the right place!  :crazy:   :hunter:

I'll have you know, my chokes will come out very easily if I wanted...

(well, they will once Mr Teague has finished his work!)

Chris B said:
I quite often take a choke out for a very close clay (25ft ish) and I know a few well respected shots that do, Just because you dont do it, dont presume its wrong.
25feet??? !!!!!! Not much point in even using a gun at that distance, you could just open a shell and throw the lead from that far away!! :laugh:

I have done it in the past,  and over the years I have seen a lot of very respected names doing the same. Considering you might do it for 4 or 5 shots in every round of 100 and then only 1 round in a blue moon I don't think its going to do a huge amount of damage.

If you've seen top shooters do it, they are not likely very worried about barrel damage.. some top shots are sponsored and get the latest and greatest toys before we can buy them..

Shooting without a choke tube can cause damage to the fine threads, also the tube is part of the structural integrity of the muzzle, I am sure 90 times out of 100 it'd be fine but I like my barrels!

You can run the engine in your car for a few minutes with no oil, "just to see what it does". But I wouldn't recommend that either. I'm not presuming to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do, I'm just offering my opinion, each to their own.

I take them out all the time on close rabbits and very low driven , using plastic wads , some say in krieghoffs I can do it with fibre wad but not tried that

It gives a greater advantage on really close clays and to prove the point shoot the ground about 12 feet in front of you the crator will be 4 inches wideosh now do the same with no choke in and see the width of pattern

This has helped me win many a shoot in the past


These were quite close birds if you left them long enough, 15-25 yards.

It was at a fiber only ground.

I managed 10/10 with 1/4 and 1/4, but put this down to the fact I can now see what I'm shooting at,thanks to my new specs from Ed   :nyam:


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