Shot String Fallacy

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2014
Is shot string a myth? Shurly the speed of the shot leaving the barrels (measured in miliseconds) has long gone before any swing could influence the pattern? I believe that the "hosepipe effect" does not exist, and is a common fallacy.

Shot string is not a fallacy at all in that the mass of pellets do in fact form a constantly moving mass which elongates the  further it goes from source. The fallacies are some of the qualities that are attributed to it including the hosepipe effect. 

I believe either Mr Churchill or Mr Burrard (I can't remember which one) experimented extensively shooting a fixed gun at a large target mounted on a motor van driving past. The elongated pattern conclusively demonstrated that the shot pattern was indeed elongated to a marked degree.

Look at the modern high speed films ,super slowed down that clearly see the pattern in the air,eg the ones from 2012 olympics were very good.Hosepipe effect total bull,and a 2 dimensional exercise in a the real world is pointless.Dont look back look forward reaserch from history only uses bygon methods.

I remain pragmatic about shot string but always thought I would rather miss in front than behind ?

Shot string is not a fallacy at all in that the mass of pellets do in fact form a constantly moving mass which elongates the  further it goes from source. The fallacies are some of the qualities that are attributed to it including the hosepipe effect. 
Agreed, what forms an oval shot cloud is the hardness of the shot, soft shot deforms and causes "flier," harder shot stays in the pattern and remains more curcular.

Is shot string a myth? Shurly the speed of the shot leaving the barrels (measured in miliseconds) has long gone before any swing could influence the pattern? I believe that the "hosepipe effect" does not exist, and is a common fallacy.

The shot string is there. but you are right in saying the swing has no influence on shot string......the shot string is length from the fastest pellets to the slowest nothing got to do with how wide you can spread it with a fast swing (impossible)

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I am unfamiliar with the term "hosepipe effect." Can someone help me out?

I am familiar, however, with the best article about shot stringing (by, predictably,  Ed Lowry) and will post it when I get a chance.


I am unfamiliar with the term "hosepipe effect." Can someone help me out?

I am familiar, however, with the best article about shot stringing (by, predictably,  Ed Lowry) and will post it when I get a chance.

Hosepipe effect is when using a hose, kept still the water will come out in a straight line, swing the hose and the water will spray to left or right depending on direction of swing, supposedly emulating the shot leaving the barrels of a shotgun.

I believe either Mr Churchill or Mr Burrard (I can't remember which one) experimented extensively shooting a fixed gun at a large target mounted on a motor van driving past. The elongated pattern conclusively demonstrated that the shot pattern was indeed elongated to a marked degree.
Bob Brister - - Shotgunning   The Art and Science 

A shot string passes a given point in substantially less than 0.02sec so not much of a hose stream

I have to apologize that there is no closed-captioning on this video - just putting cotton in your ears will probably smooth it out for you.

Shooting over water is an interesting test, in that many think they are seeing shot strings but they aren't; they are seeing pattern width instead.


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