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Any advice on which paint to use when spraying an old guitar. I got the saw out and modified my old epiphone flying V and fancy a nice metallic colour.
What finish is on it at the moment?

I only tend to use House Of Kolor, the finest custom paint money can buy...but there is no reason why you cant get a decent finish.

Ideally, you want to start with a good keyed surface, around P360 grit.

Then you want to give it two coats of catalysed primer (2 pak).

Mist over that with any random contrasting colour, so you have a light dusting all over, this is called a "Guide Coat".

OK, so with a sanding block (cork or foam) and some P400 grit wet and dry, wet sand the whole thing. The block is very important as it keep stuff flat.

What you will be left with, is dents and scratches, highlighted by your guide coat. Th guide coat stays in the low spots and gets sanded off of the high spots.

Now you fill your low spots with catalysed filler, like Isopon P38. the you sand them flush with to P400. Spot spray any filled areas with two coats of primer, then spray whole thing with two more coats of primer.

Wet sand this back with P600 on a block. Be sure to go "over" edges with your hand, not "along" them with a block.

Do this until you have a nice even surface with no orange peel. Once you start sanding, orange peel will show as shiny areas with a dull spot in the middle...sand this flat till it is all dull.

To wet sand, use warm water with some fairy in it, soak the wet and dry in the water for 20 mins, then keep sanding and adding water. Dry periodically to check progress.

Once you are happy, you should have a full primered, and wet sanded to P600 grit guitar.

For spraying paint, ideally you want a small gun and compressor, but you can get away with cans. There are companies who will do custom flake etc in cans.

Mask up the neck and wash and dry any areas to be painted, then do not touch them with bare skin.

When adding colour, apply a light coat, then two medium coats...for even coverage.

if you are spraying metallic, then you need to follow up the colour coat with 3 coats of clear.

Ideally again, you want catalysed clear coat. You can buy this in cans too.

S three coast of clear, let it cure...then wet sand this with P800 grit and apply 3 more coats of clear. let that cure.

Then you can start wet sanding back with P1200 grit and go up through the grits to P3000. then you need to compound it to buff it up to a mirror finish.

- Don't spray over any contaminants like oil or grease from your hands.

- Don't paint if it is too cold.

- Take note of suggested "flash times" between coats.

- Don't EVER touch a run...leave it to dry fully (days)

- The best finish starts from the bottom.

- Make sure you use compatible paints for clear, colour and primer.

Any questions, just ask.

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It had the factory finish on it, I have filled the surface and have wet and dried the whole guitar to give a key. Was hoping to use rattle cans but may have to give it a rethink...:rolleyes:

Yes I play a bit, not as well as Eric but I can amuse myself. Like yourself I have built electric guitars, 3 in total, after repairing and re-fretting a few.I have enough bits for a 4th but I lack the motivation.

I have built my version of a strat copy, a Gibson SG copy and a strat like bass.(the strat and bass are a matching pair) What are yours like ? :preved:

Built several Strat types.  P base (like your strat /base pair).  One of my best was a headless base, with machines at end of body and just a nut at the end of the neck.  7 String PRS style, regular PRS style, quilted maple tops.  Les Paul.  Several dreadnoughts, one Grand Auditorium style.

Fun and games! 

Yes I play a bit, not as well as Eric but I can amuse myself. Like yourself I have built electric guitars, 3 in total, after repairing and re-fretting a few.I have enough bits for a 4th but I lack the motivation.

I have built my version of a strat copy, a Gibson SG copy and a strat like bass.(the strat and bass are a matching pair) What are yours like ? :preved:

Built several Strat types. P base (like your strat /base pair). One of my best was a headless base, with machines at end of body and just a nut at the end of the neck. 7 String PRS style, regular PRS style, quilted maple tops. Les Paul. Several dreadnoughts, one Grand Auditorium style.

Fun and games!

It had the factory finish on it, I have filled the surface and have wet and dried the whole guitar to give a key. Was hoping to use rattle cans but may have to give it a rethink... :rolleyes:

Yeah, rattle cans no issue. Get one of those handle trigger efforts to fit the can in so you can spray properly.

Needs to be dull and not shiny to start with, so go down to P240 or P360 for the key. then primer, and so on.

If you look on E-bay and search for 2k clear spray, you will find soem cheap 2k clear. This is ideally what you want for the best finish.

You can probably get away with regular primer and obviously your choice of metallic, Then use the clear on top. reason you use 2k is because it cures quick and rock hard, whicbh means it can be cut and polished to a high standard.

A rifle I did, blue Kandy over marbleiser.


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Assuming you do want to know;

This is a colour sample of House Of Kolor MB01 Marbleizer, Silver/White sprayed over a black base coat.


There are different colours for different things.  With this one, you could spray a red Kandy, which would turn the silver areas red and give the whole thing an overall red tint.  The same as the gun I did above.

The paint itself is thick and gloopy and you spray it on thick as could do it with ordinary paint, but would need to be quick and the effect would not be as good.  Once you have sprayed it on, you apply cling film (Saran wrap) or tin foil, or any number of manipulation techniques, then you spray over clear or kandy coats.

This video shows it really well.  Gonna get one of these myself ...

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Natural is good, just take it back to wood and put on a couple light layers of cellulose, then finish, it will look the nuts! Manyyears ago I once done up and Old Framus guiter I found in a skip ., I painted that Purple! .....well it was the 70's....Skeet, lets have a look at one of your builds!

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