Skeet target distance....

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2012
I have just returned to shooting after a break and as my username suggests have a passion for skeet. In the recent "Pull" magazine there have been a couple of letters about "low gun" and differing "target speeds / orders" for this discipline and i thought i would throw this out thee to see what people thought.

Now it infuriates me that skeet is thought of as the "Beginners game" or "Easy / Boring" as it is in its own right a speciality. I am generally not in favour of any changes to the game but the reply i did on the "Todd Bender thread" set me thinking. In that the USA seem to be grabbing hold of the Olympic Skeet (OSK) scene as they seem to have this knack of producing really good skeet shooters.

With Vincent Hancock, Kimberley Rhode, Hayley Dunn all running big numbers in OSK i wonder if this is due to the similarity in their "skeet games" in that making the transition to OSK from NSSA is much easier than ESK to OSK.

Lets look at the major differences between our two main skeet disciplines.

OSK - 25 targets travelling 68m (+/- 1m) and they shoot the centre station 8. Using a low Gun hold.

ESK - 25 targets travelling 50m-52m and no station 8. No low gun hold

Now i would be totally against a low gun hold being made mandatory so that rules that out from my point of view. But the target order and speeds are something i would consider as a dedicated skeet shooter if it also helped the transition to OSK for our up and coming shooters.

Having dabbled with OSK in the past making that leap from 50-52m targets to what at the time was 66m targets (increased this coming year to 68m) was massive and i couldn't get the gun in the right place on pairs for the life of me. The second target was nowhere near where i expected it to be making the discipline change a huge leap. Now ok i have shot NSSA so have experience of station 8 but if you have never shot NSSA and have a try at OSK then that station 8 at 68m speed is going to be a shock!!

The difference now is huge taking the longest ESK target (52m) and the shortest OSK target (67m) that is a 15m difference to bridge or put it another way - nearly a third faster!! How can we as a country and our shooting organizations hope to encourage and help our future Olympic stars with such huge bridges to cross between our disciplines.

I am inclined to think that also (as we see it in NSSA Skeet) an increase in target speed would improve target flight in adverse conditions as the target has a better flight stability and is under power for longer giving a truer / fairer test over a major shoot such as the English Open Skeet. This would in turn make the referee's job easier with less target variation / no bird issues. Save the grounds money for the same reasons with i would hope fewer targets thrown due to better quality of repeatable targets.

So what are my thoughts...... why not bridge the gap a little bit by say increasing the targets to 60m in ESK from the current 50-52m - this is about halfway between the two disciplines (ESK - OSK) and would achieve the above ideas on target presentation i feel. As for the target order and how to incorporate station 8..... i can only think of two options:-

i). Lose the pair on 4 as they do in NSSA and put one from each house on station 8

ii). Lose the incoming single target on stations 1 and 7 and put one from each house on station 8

Now given ESK's perceived position in the clay shooting disciplines then i would maybe argue the case that its option one (i) that is used - dropping the pair on 4 - why?

Well simply put the increase in target speed will no doubt make the game a little tougher. So to balance this off for the beginning / improving shooter replacing the two hardest targets on the layout with two singles (based upon OSK) on station 8. This gives them a chance to improve as shooters but also adds in the full set of targets for those who might wish to consider a switch to OSK.

Here in the UK we also have a specific Skeet Doubles (SKD) discipline aswell so skeet shooters looking to make the changes to OSK can use the combination of ESK and SKD to hone their skills for every target on the OSK layout but at a speed only 8m slower than OSK instead of the current minimum 15m difference.

Note:- As a matter of course i would advocate that SKD speeds are increased in line with the new ESK speeds as the same thoughts apply in terms of target consistency etc in SKD as they do for ESK and also gives the budding OSK shooter a fighting chance for learning to shoot the pairs they do not get in ESK.

Station 3

Station 4 (if it was removed from ESK)

Station 5

Have any other skeet shooters got any thoughts on this?

If National Skeet is as you say 'A speciality' , why do you want to change it? Why does National Skeet need to be a kindergarden for Olympic skeet? For those people that want to shoot faster target's than National Skeet and also want to shoot station 8 , NSSA Skeet is already available.

What percentage of Skeet shooter's currently shoot NSSA instead of National Skeet?

If National Skeet is as you say 'A speciality' , why do you want to change it? Why does National Skeet need to be a kindergarden for Olympic skeet? For those people that want to shoot faster target's than National Skeet and also want to shoot station 8 , NSSA Skeet is already available.

What percentage of Skeet shooter's currently shoot NSSA instead of National Skeet?

Thanks for the reply. Please understand i am really passionate about skeet and give me only one discipline to shoot for the rest of my time in the hobby and it would be skeet so i am thinking with this in mind. The thought process i have at the minute for thinking about "if" change is needed is in my original post. To me it is not about making ESK a kindergarden for OSK it is thinking along the lines of providing a straight forward path for up and coming CPSA members who have the "olympic dream" in their heads and hearts. My thinking is that the gap between ESK and OSK is currently too wide for a sensible cross over to the olympic version. I am way to old and in all honesty never had the olympics in my heart - they just don't excite me - so this isn't for me but my thoughts are for those who do.

NSSA skeet is again another speciality - with 4 gauges and doubles belonging to a totally separate organization / country to the CPSA and the UK. Therefore it doesn't nessesarily offer the UK budding shooter a route to olympic glory IMO. I also think we are talking about disciplines related to the CPSA and BICTSF as they are the organizations that affects our UK olympic hopefuls.

We are already into the 2016 cycle of selection shoots and if the gap between the two versions of skeet continues to widen how do we encourage UK shooters to make the olympic finals. Failure to make finals means funding cuts - meaning it gets harder to achieve - and all of a sudden its a vicious self fulfilling circle.

how much faster is NSSA than ESK?
Had to goggle it but NSSA target speed is similar to my idea of a half way point - so 60m targets roughly. This in fact would work even better for those ground owners who run both.... no need to change targets for each event. Even easier.

I seem to remember a few years ago Lakenheath ran a Krieghoff sponsored event not certain of the name but i think it was called - Krieghoff skeet masters - or something like. My vague memory seems to think that it was ESK sequence at NSSA speeds with a K80 as the first prize. So sure this has been tried before but not sure how it was received.

dont try to fix some thing that is not broke if you want to nasser or isu fine go do it leave us alone


I fully understand your view and appreciate your sentiments as if your the Joe Kitson i know then you have been a fabulous ambassador for ESK for as long as i can remember. ESK is certainly not broke and my thoughts are not about "fixing it" because as a stand alone game on its own it has a lot going for it IMO. As i hope i have conveyed in my few posts in the forum here.

Its was simply an idea that was it worth considering a speed increase to aid the progression of ESK to OSK for younger up and coming shooters. For me personally it makes no difference as i'll not be making that change as i have no desire to chase the "Olympic dream" so my thought was not selfish or for my own ends. However it might help some young shot in his early teens who wants to go to the Olympics in the future if the gap between the two disciplines was smaller- that is all.

If ESK never changed that would be OK by me as i have shot it this way for years..... but it is about future generations of Olympic hopefuls to my mind. It is easy for people who have shot for years to say "just get on with it" but in reality for the up and coming youngster it might be a step to far and they give up. Could the CPSA make this transition easier - yes - if they have a mind to do so failing that we carry on as before with no worries.

This i guess is a never ending discussion that will never please both sides of the debate so I'll not blather on any further on this subject here as its pointless going round in circles.

Don't take it to heart Skeetfreak, some people feel the need to be rude when replying to questions.

this subject has been going on for has long has i can remember the big thing is gun down when i was on the board some years ago they were allways trying to get people to shoot i s u when i put it to them lets go back to gun down for english skeet i was told you carnt do that and so the saga go/s on you will not get the gun up boy/s to shoot gun down so has i said if you want to shoot isu or nassa go shoot it but leave us alone and leave the speed alone

this subject has been going on for has long has i can remember the big thing is gun down when i was on the board some years ago they were allways trying to get people to shoot i s u when i put it to them lets go back to gun down for english skeet i was told you carnt do that and so the saga go/s on you will not get the gun up boy/s to shoot gun down so has i said if you want to shoot isu or nassa go shoot it but leave us alone and leave the speed alone

Wow. This started off having had the potential to beat James Joyce's sentence in Ullyses.

this subject has been going on for has long has i can remember the big thing is gun down when i was on the board some years ago they were allways trying to get people to shoot i s u when i put it to them lets go back to gun down for english skeet i was told you carnt do that and so the saga go/s on you will not get the gun up boy/s to shoot gun down so has i said if you want to shoot isu or nassa go shoot it but leave us alone and leave the speed alone
So, the secret to 100 straight at skeet is to carry on, concentrating ad infinitum. A bit like writing seventeen sentances without punctuation?

10:47p.m. and only 7 pints!!! Bit of a lightweight then.. ^_^

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