Swatcom vs MSA Sordin?

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2016
Morning guys, I’ve been using in ear without issue for some time now, but I’m finding at certain grounds now the use baffle boards and also some enclosed stands is generating that much reflected noise it simply over saturates the capabilities of the ear protection, so I’m going to have to double up.

after shooting certain grounds that have these enclosures more and more I was finding my hearing was impaired for a few days, sadly the damage is done and my existing is already worse. It is what it is.  

I really don’t like anything on my head, I find them uncomfortable and distracting, but need must and I’m now on the hunt for a set of over ear cans.

The usual brands appear, but I’m struggling to identify if the MSA Sordins and Swatcom are one and the same thing? They look the same, are the Swatcom the UK leg of the Sordins? 
if not which are better? Reliability and repairs if needed?

open to any advice on this one guys.

in other news, thank fk the suns come back out to play, roll on spring!

cheers guys

I have both. The much newer Swatcoms seem the same apart from the fact they are digital, so the audibility is better. (In fact they don’t turn down low enough for my preference). If you find the Swatcoms, do get the gel pads. They seem to be standard on SWATCOM. 

I have both. The much newer Swatcoms seem the same apart from the fact they are digital, so the audibility is better. (In fact they don’t turn down low enough for my preference). If you find the Swatcoms, do get the gel pads. They seem to be standard on SWATCOM. 
Morning Will, thanks for the update on that. I actually just got off the phone with the UK suppliers, and asked the question. In short the swatcoms are pimped up military spec’d Sordins, tweak and improved here and there, designed by sordin, manufactured in Sweden and branded swatcom. Only thing I can see is that the new Sordins have a new DSP called Hear2 for 2023? Not sure what this adds over the swatcoms, which have the 2 extra mics over the Sordins anyway. 
