Whilst I agree that we do not need a ban on lead shot and should not have it imposed upon us as there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that lead shot is harmful to human health. There is however a big but; I think with the march of the environmentalists and the growing need of both the 3 mainstream political parties and the European mob who really pull the strings, to throw them (green)crumbs every so often, that a lead shot ban is inevitable. Might not be soon, might be ten years or more away but the politicians can afford to ignore the facts and sacrifice us shooters in order to appear green to the majority, uneducated voters. They've done it before with other issues such as the hunting ban and sure as eggs is eggs they'll do it with lead. Fight it we will and should but when has fact and reason ever held any sway with politicians especially at election time?
I've not looked into the controversy of BASCs involvement with this issue but I wouldn't mind betting that they are taking the pragmatic approach, fight as best you can but accept the inevitable and prepare for change, to just blindly fight until that fateful day when the ban comes in and stand there with your thumb up your arse wondering what to do next is the action of a dinosaur not that of a progressive, intelligent organisation!
Unlike the majority of posters on here I don't think the banning of lead shot will be the end of shooting sports, I have just returned from my second visit to Holland to compete (badly) in the Dorhout Mees GP, a 200 bird FITASC sporting competition this in a country that has had a total ban on lead shot since 2002 :frown: :frown: :frown:
So, along with others from this forum we both saw and demonstrated that modern steel cartridges from all the major manufacturers will effectively and consistently break clays through all chokes out to ranges that the doom merchants say are impossible, anyone who witnessed both the Champions League finals and the top 6 shootout at the above mentioned shoot would have seen clays broken at 60 yards, not once but time and time again. At normal English Sporting distances 24g 7s would be more than sufficient as proved by our very own ELVIS, his usual gun is a 34" Miroku, he shot a borrowed 30" Beretta, he shoots left handed and the Beretta was right handed, he shoots 24g lead loads at home so he shot 24g steel in Holland. Result was a top ten finish overall and a resounding win in the veterans category
Speaking to Dutch & Danish shooters I asked them about ricochets, they all looked a little puzzled and said it was not a problem and had never heard of it being so. Now all the ballistics experts will say it can't be done, you can't consistently break clays over 30 yards and if you try you'll be peppered in lethal shot bouncing back off everything including leaves.
It works, not as well as lead but well enough for 99% of us to hardly notice the difference, barrels will not bulge or blow up, eardrums will not be shattered but, in the words of a wise man, if you point the bloody thing in the right place the clay will break, maybe into 50 pieces not 100 but the same wise man said if it breaks in two and the ref sees it it's a kill. You don't get an extra points for a ball of dust.
Game shooting will be affected more, I suspect that steel isn't a viable alternative to lead but tungsten, bismuth and the other non toxic alternatives are available and as game shooting is such an expensive sport to begin with at let's say an average of £30 +VAT a bird the relatively small extra amount on cartridges is hardly going to break the bank. Can't imagine many who are paying upwards of £500 per day calling off because their cartridge bill for the day has gone up by 50 quid! Walked up and rough shooters may only fire 10 or even 20 shells a day, won't break the bank if they change to a non toxic alternative. Pigeon shooters will, I suspect, have to change to steel and limit their shots to 40 yards, will test their decoying skill a bit more. The only winner will be dentists as biting down on a steel pellet will result in much pain and discomfort.
So in my humble opinion it's inevitable, no-one wants it, the world doesn't need it but we are pawns in a bigger game and the majority of the populous will think the world will be a bit greener and cleaner. Shooting will continue and not too much differently than we all enjoy today so fight it but be prepared to lose.
Mr Potter