If you don't end up staying all day, why not pop to Nottingham & District Gun Club afterwards? It's only 18 miles away and I bet our food will be better value!!!
I'm off up to Newark on Sunday with another shooter - although it's expensive just to wander around, last year a lovely lady cleaned my walking boots with some leather stuff she was trying to flog and they're about due for a clean again.
Plus I didn't get food poisioning, so I feel a bit braver this year.
The show was well worth going to from an exhibitor perspective, you never know what return you will get. But also from a punter`s perspective, there was lots to see and do. Next year it will be at Stoneleigh, which I certainly feel will help. Nice to catch up with so many people too.
Now back to work in the morning and catching up on a backlog of work...