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Rob Watts

Active member
May 19, 2013
Struggling with my choice of gun at the moment for DTL been shooting the CG summit assent for last 18months and struggling with scores tried the summit AT high rib at byewell last week and got on well with it any thoughts on this gun would be helpful thanks.

I have one,i like it.The head up thing took a bit of getting used to.

Not shot a Cg so cant comment on the gun but i can say that high rib are very well suited to dtl but imo to get the most out of them a high hold technique is required and look down through the barrels to the trap lip. Takes a bit of getting used to but will pay off once mastered. Trouble is that using this technique it is difficult to adapt to other disciplines that require different techniques so only any good if your hard core dtl only.

As may be imagined, I would suggest, with some trepidation, that you might explore gunfit as a possible solution.

And in just what way are you struggling vs/ how you shot pre-CG? 

As to the high rib thing - the only rationale that I ever heard for them that seemed to make sense was for OT doubles.  The DTL application has always seemed iffy to me, but I'm just a flat rib guy and WTF do I know?  I'm pretty limited talent and skill-wise so rib height is meaningless to me.  I shoot them all the same.

High ribs do look way cool tho

besta luck


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Well Charlie as you know i too am a traditionalist however i dabbled with a couple of high rib guns 5 yrs back when i returned to dtl for a couple of years during an enforced style change and purely to try and get some form back. My scores rocketed straight to AA when i inevitably got bored with dtl and moved back to abt and ot i could not get on with them hence my opinion from my experience that high rib the dogs Bollox for dtl but beggar all use for fast stuff. Of course as i say its only based on my experience and i could be talking total cack :)

yeah - I shot high ribs and unsingles for ATA.  I don't have any single barrels anymore, well a couple Winchester  M12's, but I did shoot a DB81 which has a pretty high rib at pigeons and I just shot it like a flat rib hold-wise.  Worked fine but was outta my price range hahaha.  One of the regulars at the Martinez gun club trench years ago shot a MX2 which has a way high rib and it was certainly no handicap for him with regular 25x25's and better.

Always wondered, if I only had a MX2 ..............................?


I would have two reservations. Firstly, I don't think a trap special rib is the way to go for DTL. A pro rib maybe but not a high rib. I'm happy to explain why by PM if you wish.

Secondly, my experience of CG guns tells me the quality isn't particularly good (although this was a few years ago). There's better guns that are more suitable for DTL at a similar price.

Just my opinion.

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