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:fie:  Have you ever thought about having a tinky-winky reduction? it is about as sensible as briley choking a perazzi! :crazy:  

Way I see it asking for ideas is great but in the end its YOUR gun so build it they way YOU want it. Some can afford to have multiple guns for different disciplines and change them almost monthly, like you I have just a couple and plan on keeping them long term so altering them to MY spec makes sense. Most guns are mass produced to a standard shape and we are all built and shoot differently so there is nothing out there that can't be made more suited to us IMHO.

Enjoy your gun

Dick Arbon quote:- I have duplicated the two chokes with one ported to use in the bottom barrel (non selective trigger group ) when using the same chokes in an attempt to reduce muzzle flip.


Non selective trigger group on a £8000 gun !!!!

I just dont believe it.

You must have a nob or button or lever or something !!

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And off we go into the realms off never never land.


"Non selective trigger group on a £8000 gun !!!!"

With an original choking of 3/4 and full it sounds as though this gun was made for trap shooting why would it need a selective trigger group ????


My brother has a Beretta 682 trap which has a selective trigger.... total pest when you open the gun you flick the selector over. Good proper competition trap guns are thought out not based on format gun so if you don't need a selective trigger, it is not fitted.

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Dick wrote:-

" My misguided mind has also decided on the following chokes; skeet, light modified, ported modified, modified, ported improved modified, improved modified and full. I will probably use mod x mod most of all but imp mod x imp mod for FITASC sporting. I have duplicated the two chokes with one ported to use in the bottom barrel (non selective trigger group ) when using the same chokes in an attempt to reduce muzzle flip."


May I add 'misguided and eventually totally confused mind' ?

In all seriousness , it is your gun, your money , do what you are comfortable with, life is too short to be as miserable as a Salopian and there are no pockets in funeral shrouds.

May I suggest everyone has lessons with Ed Solomons , a consultation with Ed Lyons , buys a Krieghoff and a set of Pilla's.

"Non selective trigger group on a £8000 gun !!!!"

With an original choking of 3/4 and full it sounds as though this gun was made for trap shooting why would it need a selective trigger group ????


My brother has a Beretta 682 trap which has a selective trigger.... total pest when you open the gun you flick the selector over. Good proper competition trap guns are thought out not based on format gun so if you don't need a selective trigger, it is not fitted.
Ahh got it now. Makes total sense to me.

Make loads of different trigger groups for different models of the gun. That will keep costs down and also cut down on versatility which no one wants do they.

Loads of sporting shooters shoot trap guns or sporterise them.

So yes that makes complete sense to me.

On a K you can lock the safety to avoid the total pest of opening the gun whilst flicking the selector because they put it within the trigger guard, clever ayyyy.

Groan I'm off too.

"Make loads of different trigger groups for different models of the gun. That will keep costs down and also cut down on versatility which no one wants do they."

I don't know about you but I shoot the right gun for the job... a trap gun does not need a selective trigger. If people want to shoot sporting with a trap gun that is up to them you can ask for a selective trigger to be fitted to your trap gun before you buy ... but why would you if you don't need it? That makes total sense to me!


Krieghoff tell Perazzi ANYTHING about making a trap gun? Don't make me laugh!

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I can certainly sympathize with all the "make it like you want" posts BUT we all know that the used gun trade flourishes on the basis of moving on.  So when YOU move on you will have a gun to be rid of that YOU wanted to fix up but may have a limited number of other fanciers.

The simplest course is obviously to engage your brain before you sign on the dotted line   :mail:

and we all know how well that works too, don't we?   :maninlove:

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"The simplest course is obviously to engage your brain before you sign on the dotted line"

Not the same cost BUT you can cross cut a plank of wood with a rip saw... Offffttt what a mess!

Providing my new chokes don't significantly alter the POI I am absolutely confident I will have done the right thing.

My last gun was a fixed choked gun 3/8 & 1/2. These chokes threw great patterns at range so I know what 1/2 choke is capable of, but 3/4 & full for everything was just too much as some of our local partridge population can vouch for!!

Please......if you shoot game......don't use 1/4 and 1/4
Indeed 3/4 and full is much more suitable...............................

Shooting Times is giving one lucky reader the chance to get their hands on the new Miroku MK60 Grade 5 "High Pheasant" shotgun.

Browning have developed a new model MK60 Grade 5 32” Fixed Choke model designed specifically for the UK game market. It is distinguished by long, well-presented, fixed choked 32" barrels (full & ¾) and is higher in the comb to aid visibility for those high target
Sounds like a trap gun tome...............

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Aftermarket screw-ins and ports?  Why not bore eh baby out too?  I mean, if gun mutilation is your thing then any halfway move is just silliness, innit?

And all this my 1/4 shoots tight BS.  You can identify a tube any way you care to, but the pattern on the board is what the choke is.  And all screw-ins suffer from the same jug choke effect where the tube diameter is bigger than the bore where the tube engages the bore.  I haven't seen any make tube that didn't shoot tighter than the fixed choke diameter equivalent just because of that.

just sayin' ......................

Aftermarket screw-ins and ports?  Why not bore eh baby out too?  I mean, if gun mutilation is your thing then any halfway move is just silliness, innit?

And all this my 1/4 shoots tight BS.  You can identify a tube any way you care to, but the pattern on the board is what the choke is.  And all screw-ins suffer from the same jug choke effect where the tube diameter is bigger than the bore where the tube engages the bore.  I haven't seen any make tube that didn't shoot tighter than the fixed choke diameter equivalent just because of that.

just sayin' ......................
Having read some of your posts in the past I am very disappointed with your comments and they don't even deserve a sensible response.
I think this topic has outlived it`s useful life........

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Aftermarket screw-ins and ports? Why not bore eh baby out too? I mean, if gun mutilation is your thing then any halfway move is just silliness, innit?

And all this my 1/4 shoots tight BS. You can identify a tube any way you care to, but the pattern on the board is what the choke is. And all screw-ins suffer from the same jug choke effect where the tube diameter is bigger than the bore where the tube engages the bore. I haven't seen any make tube that didn't shoot tighter than the fixed choke diameter equivalent just because of that.

just sayin' ......................
When I read your posts I can't help thinking, "That guy has done too much LSD or something..."


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