Maybe a strange question but I'll ask it anyway.
When shooting trap (ABT,UT or OT) and the target emerges (particularly a sharp angled target) do you
A) using your broader vision establish the target direction but then effectively loose the target as it passes out of your peripheral vision and then swing the gun in the target direction until you catch it up (but always effectively stay looking straight ahead i.e straight along the barrels)
B ) keep your eyes firmly on the target (keeping your eye on the ball as it were) and then bring your gun to the target at which point your brain then reconnects barrels and target?
I've tried to work this out while shooting but it all happens so fast I can't make my mind up.
I realise its completely different with sporting as you always look at the target and bring your gun where you are looking but with trap the gun is fixed position and the random target buggers off from where you are looking.
When shooting trap (ABT,UT or OT) and the target emerges (particularly a sharp angled target) do you
A) using your broader vision establish the target direction but then effectively loose the target as it passes out of your peripheral vision and then swing the gun in the target direction until you catch it up (but always effectively stay looking straight ahead i.e straight along the barrels)
B ) keep your eyes firmly on the target (keeping your eye on the ball as it were) and then bring your gun to the target at which point your brain then reconnects barrels and target?
I've tried to work this out while shooting but it all happens so fast I can't make my mind up.
I realise its completely different with sporting as you always look at the target and bring your gun where you are looking but with trap the gun is fixed position and the random target buggers off from where you are looking.
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