My Brother and I went in the field to have a go at some pigeons.So we packed our guns and some shells and went out. All I had was a view Black Gold 28Gram7 and some White Gold 28Gram6 and a few Super Steel 28gram7 so we drove off.My brother quickly spotted a few pigeons chilling in a tree on the edge of our field. I could creep up on them along an hedgerow and then entered a Corn field and then to the left. He dropped me off and he went the other way around my part was to walk up to the tree and shoot stuff easy as pie!
So I waited for a few seconds loaded my gun and put it on safety.I stepped over the fence and made my way along a hedgerow closer to the corn, as soon as I made 2 meaters a pheasant flew up into the corn!!!!! It scared the sh*t out of me and I was like wow! That’s a once in a lifetime! So I made a few more meter and again! Another one flew up and I phoned up my brotherSo I told him I saw 2 pheasants flying in the corn right in front of me! and I asked if I could shoot the next time and he said yeah of course have a go!.So I walked up to the corn jumped the ditch and keep on walking to the tree and when I was right under it my brother shot from the other side and it scared the birds one flew close enough and I gave it a shot ! HIT! But he still flew on and another one came right in front of me out of the tree and crossed me at 35meters BANG! Full hit and it felt down stone dead! NICE my first Dutch Pigeon with my own gun haha
So I called up my bro as there was nothing coming in and I told him I will beat out the corner because there were 2 pheasants there!I walked back saw a crow my brother shot at and it came right at me and a goof few meters away it bended to the left and I shot it twice but it kept on flying !
so I started to beat made some noise and in 2 meters the first pheasant flew up and I gave it a shot and it felt stone dead on the second shot!I communicated with my brother where he as standing and he walked on and again! The second pheasant flew off! Just over the corn and I gave it another 2 shots stone dead!!!!!!As my brother walked off to the farmer that was in front of us to have a chat I went looking for the pheasants it took me 15 mins to find the second one I shot as the ground was covered in weeds! I couldn’t see jack sh*t so I looked for over an hour for the first one I shot but I couldn’t find it L called my brother up and asked did he fel down and he saw it as wel! So I kept on looking called my dog *cough* dad! And we went for a good go another 20 mins and gave up L couldn’t find the second one! But a good morning and I finally shot my first Pheasant with my own gun and in our own field haha
this was an unforgettable moment for me and my brother since we never saw a pheasant in our field
Greatings Robin