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ShootClay Admin
Jan 27, 2011
Can anyone refer me to an online resource that would help me learn about Deer? Specifically how to identify the different species.

I'm planning to go out stalking - but I'm trying to identify two deer that crossed the road in front of me, close to my house on Saturday night / Sunday morning (dirty stop out etc)

They weren't big - but had white behinds, with a short bob tail... I saw one on the road in front of me, and as it hopped the barriers, I looked to the other lane and saw a second, with small but multipoint antlers.

The reason I'm curious, is that I live quite close to a motorway, and although these were heading towards open land, they were coming from the M4 and across a slip road... which seems a strange place to see them (have lived there for 12 years, never seen them before).

So - if I can find a guide, that'd be interesting to read up on. Otherwise I'll pick up a ladybird book.

did it look anything like this, Matt?


Exactly. Although the background was different, I was pointing towards Slough.

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Should be enough on here for you, they sound like Roe,,,,,,,,,can readily be found in Cities between roadside verges.






Chinese water

are all species found in the uk

The British Deer Society.

Bollocks.....snap again ......this time with Chiefy....

Right...that is it.....I am getting out of bed now....!!

Yep - I think Roe deer.... first time I have seen them that close to home.

They need some traffic awareness, the eastbound exit of Junction 7 of the M4 is not the best place to be hanging around!

Matt deer go through or over anything without a thought for safety.

On our lane late at night if one comes through the hedge (and I mean through it) I stop the motor because they are followed by several others including young. Have had them jump on the bonnet before now.....expensive.....but better than hitting them.

Only thing I do not shoot........sadly.....always see Bambi....!

Yep - I've seen them on the road in front of me, and have slammed anchors on to watch 3 or 4 more go through, this was just two on their own - luckily I saw them early enough, and saw the second one beyond me.

They were coming from the little 'cloverleaf' bit in the loop formed by the exit of J7 - the best food they'd find there would be discarded Ginsters wrappers and an old mattress.

I shall keep an eye out for them in future - first time in my suburban paradise.

Nice one Clanchief.

Hilarious bit of radio phone-in. Did she do a follow up on Heavy Plant Crossing signs?

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