Trigger not resetting ?

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Do these guns allow you to set which barrel is fired first? If they do select the bottom barrel and see if the problem persists. I had a MK38 once that would only function correctly if the bottom barrel was fired first, if you switch you very occassionally got a double discharge which is never nice...
I cant see any where to set the firing order, a double discharge must be a bit scary !!

Please give it to a gunsmith to sort out. I must also ask as to why you bought such a gun in the first place? How come you didn't buy a gun that is well known and respected, such as Beretta, Browning, Miroku etc?
To be honest, i was/am completely ignorant about shotguns and did'nt realise there was as much science involved, i bought it cheap as a first gun to get experience and was told it shot fine, i have learnt an awfull lot more since joining this forum, but boy am i having fun with it !

I cant see any where to set the firing order, a double discharge must be a bit scary !!
This is usually done by moving the safety catch left or right, not familiar with your gun so without a picture I couldn't say for sure.

Not all single triggers are selective especially on some of the budget guns. What seems a little odd though is that normally on non selective triggers it is the bottom barrel that fires first. I say normally because I have seen a Perazzi that was set up to fire the other way round.
