UT gun hold points

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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
What are the view on the necessity for gun holds in UT shooting? I use a set of hold just now but I am thinking about abandoning gun holds and just going off the centre of the fosse. Probably just a few centimeters right or left depending on the post I am shooting from. I have noticed that the really good shooters down here do not use gun hold points and tend to shoot off the centre. In many ways I think it makes sense because  you are not compromising any target to gain an advantage for another. I think I may try it in practice this weekend  but it would be interesting to get other opinions on the usefulness of gun hold points.

John, to my understanding there is only one gun hold point for UT and that is at the theoretical point in fresh air about 1.5 metres in front of the trap house roof, just below where all the clays cross over.

Only my opinion of course:)


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I agree with Greg however the distance refered to may alter for personal taste and technique. I certainly have never known any UT shooter of a good standard shoot off the mark.  Imo only OT can be shot this way but it's worth noting that most very good OT shooters hold high ish so gregs theoretical point in the air holds true even for OT.

just my opinion of course.

The most experienced UT shooters on here are 40up and philr so they will confirm shortly I would think.

Hi DT, I know a lot that have several hold points either side if the centre of the fosse, so from 1 to three you may have holds at 0.5m,0.25m to the left and just right then 0.25m and 0.5m right of centre for 4 and 5 the triangulated point of convergence for all may be 1.5m in front of centre though. I have noticed that many of the shooters down here don't bother with that though they just hold on the centre of the fosse and look for the target out and above the centre of the fosse.


Hi DT, I know a lot that have several hold points either side if the centre of the fosse, so from 1 to three you may have holds at 0.5m,0.25m to the left and just right then 0.25m and 0.5m right of centre for 4 and 5 the triangulated point of convergence for all may be 1.5m in front of centre though. I have noticed that many of the shooters down here don't bother with that though they just hold on the centre of the fosse and look for the target out and above the centre of the fosse.
​John, the various hold points to which you refer (either side of the mark) equates to same thing as holding at the cross over point (COP) in front of the trap house. The problem in using the trap house roof is that the distance (and height) to the COP, relative to the roof edge varies from layout to layout dependent on the design/layout of the trap house. Better to watch the targets and establish the COP as the reference point.

Just my opinion


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Spot on Greg.  The scheme the layout etc will change the cross point but the cross point is the optimum hold point of that there is no doubt. There would imo be no advantage holding anywhere else.

Well nice to know that at least I have that part right because I am one who uses these hold points ! But I am going to try the central hold point on Saturday for at least a round or two in practice. I use the standard hold points but there are many down here that shoot regular 25's hold on the clay on the lid of the trap house they obviously see the target in a different way ? But I don't argue with the results they get but then to be honest you would not believe the different stances and foot positions some of the shooters have down here ( possibly in the UK too) and some are shooting way into the mid and late nineties. I think sometimes that all the talk of correct technique is over played if you did not see the results some shooters get and just saw what their setup and technique you would think well he is not going to break too many... oh contraire ! It is all about style down here not ergonomics .

Try and get hold of this DVD by Venturini & Vigano. Both world class trap shooters.

They  demonstrate hold points for UT  

How to get an extra clay - Advanced Level

Suggestions for improving your competitive performance

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 DVD * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

With all the experience of Marco Venturini and Rodolfo Viganò. 

___________OLYMPIC TRAP AND UNIVERSAL TRAP___________ 
This product, developed for advanced level shooters, places special emphasis on the psychological component. 

The objective of this new work is to expand on subjects more strictly associated with the psycho-physical preparation of shooters, which is essential in order to achieve the utmost of one's possibilities. 

The DVD VIDEO can be consulted in 4 languages: Italian, English, French, and Spanish. 

Olympic trap 
Shooting techniques 
The psychological component 
Handling the competition 
Athletic preparation 
Diet and supplements 
Universal trap 

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Not realy going to help anyone but ive had a good morning and want to brag.Shot UT at cloudside this morning I have not got a clue where I held the gun but my eyes were steady in the imaginary box where the clays fly and I did a 24x25 with only 27 shots,which for me is unreal and I don't know what I did apart from mount hold for a split second pull and bang.

Empty head full score card.  

Well done bud! A friend of mine shot 24ex25 with 26 shells UT four weeks back...  he missed the last target !! I had just given him the thumbs up when he shot the target on post five thinking he had done the magic 25 with 25 shells but he started number six. The split second and call thing... does not work for me takes me three or four seconds to call the target.

Thanks Paul120 I have had a look already and it is available for €42 inc post may just get that... they don't do one called how to add an extra 2 or three clays do they :)


You can borrow my copy remind me next time we're due for a meet.

Two other items worth purchasing are the books by Renato Lamera, aimed at OT but work well on all fast trap disciplines, they are available in English and are excellent, look on his website, or iltiro.it for links to Celi Apartie (his ground near Bergamo).

Two other items worth purchasing are the books by Renato Lamera, aimed at OT but work well on all fast trap disciplines, they are available in English and are excellent, look on his website, or iltiro.it for links to Celi Apartie (his ground near Bergamo).

You can borrow my renato lamera book too :)

I hope that no one is confusing where you stick the gun barrel and where you look for the target as they may not be the same place.  On ZZs I'm holding below the middle box since I want to avoid going down to a target but I ain't even looking there.  When I shot OT I put the gun on the stripe and looked about 2feet above it and it seemed I got the gun speed easier with the stripe hold and the gun never blocked the first flash of the target.  Shooters holding on the top of the house don't have to be looking there.

Point Charlie! For any interested I hold my gun about 10cm above the roof left diminishing from 1-3 and right increasing 4 and 5 although I am always looking for the target just above the cross over point.

I hope that no one is confusing where you stick the gun barrel and where you look for the target as they may not be the same place.  On ZZs I'm holding below the middle box since I want to avoid going down to a target but I ain't even looking there.  When I shot OT I put the gun on the stripe and looked about 2feet above it and it seemed I got the gun speed easier with the stripe hold and the gun never blocked the first flash of the target.  Shooters holding on the top of the house don't have to be looking there.
​Absolutely right Charlie. However in the case of UT (and ABT for that matter) if you hold the gun directly at or above the mark when on peg 1 and look 2 feet above the gun you are actually looking about 3 feet to the right of theoretical cross over point. Makes those extreme left targets a bitch to see quickly.

Be interesting to see how John gets on trying this at the weekend:)

Only my opinion of course.

