Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

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if anything fitasc has got softer to attract the masses.

i think people would be better off judging there performance not by there total score but by how far back they are from the class win

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hi chippy i dont know if i know you or not but what did you hit and what class are you in , just really interested on peoples scores
Hi Steve I did not shoot it and have never shot there.It's just these threads that everyone agrees on, are a little boring I like to see a big argument, moving off topic for 10 pages,some personal insults, a PM threat, maybe a poster or two leaving the site.now that's entertaining.

Ps I quite like a hard shoot myself but don't tell anyone.

if anything fitasc has got softer to attract the masses.

i think people would be better off judging there performance not by there total score but by how far back they are from the class win
Totally agree. Trouble is, that's not how the CPSA judge it, so it's hard to ignore a low scoring shoot. I think your position on the results list (eg winner, or 50% down, or last..) should be how your performance is reported for average calculation.

Hi Steve I did not shoot it and have never shot there.It's just these threads that everyone agrees on, are a little boring I like to see a big argument, moving off topic for 10 pages,some personal insults, a PM threat, maybe a poster or two leaving the site.now that's entertaining.

Ps I quite like a hard shoot myself but don't tell anyone.
Nice one Chippy! :)

All joking apart, the truth is that those that like tough shoots will always say so and will compliment the ground owner. Equally true is that most people who didn't enjoy their day will just go home quietly and say nothing for fear of been seen as weak etc. For sure, good ground owners understand this and balance their shoots to suit as many as possible.

I feel like I have been on both sides of the coin with Steve's shoots.. I have shot well for lower scores, and I have shot well for a class win.... I have also gone home ready for golf after being beaten into submission. With any of these scenarios, I have never blamed the targets, or the course... I am still learning, and still building consistency and I know that I am going to get beaten up occasionally.

I guess my point is, I think Steve's shoots have a good variety... Stands that look like they should fill my card, stands that look like a test, and stands that really look like a test... This is to me, what a shoot should be about, a good variety and some decent entertainment.

I can remember stands and pegs at Steve's shoots that I have taken a lower score from, but walked away happy because I have shot well and learned something... That's what keeps me coming back and supporting Westfield, Weston wood and windrush.

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Nice one Chippy! :)

All joking apart, the truth is that those that like tough shoots will always say so and will compliment the ground owner. Equally true is that most people who didn't enjoy their day will just go home quietly and say nothing for fear of been seen as weak etc. For sure, good ground owners understand this and balance their shoots to suit as many as possible.

That's very true I overheard two shooters moaning about Mid-norfolk the other week,they were occasional shooters who like to have a shot and a laugh on a Sunday morning with a few mates.I think one said he hit 40 something and the other 50 something and both said they would not be going back if it stayed that hard.so its a very fine line.

I feel like I have been on both sides of the coin with Steve's shoots.. I have shot well for lower scores, and I have shot well for a class win.... I have also gone home ready for golf after being beaten into submission. With any of these scenarios, I have never blamed the targets, or the course... I am still learning, and still building consistency and I know that I am going to get beaten up occasionally.

I guess my point is, I think Steve's shoots have a good variety... Stands that look like they should fill my card, stands that look like a test, and stands that really look like a test... This is to me, what a shoot should be about, a good variety and some decent entertainment.

I can remember stands and pegs at Steve's shoots that I have taken a lower score from, but walked away happy because I have shot well and learned something... That's what keeps me coming back and supporting Westfield, Weston wood and windrush.

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Agreed. And I think there is a huge difference between what Steve puts on as a tough target (you can always see it and have time to shoot it) and what other sometimes do, where you need to have the reactions of a 15 year old and the eyes of a hawk. Never mind shooting into the direct sun.

That's true... So maybe the key factor is, fairness... Not toughness. Anyone can put on a shoot that is super difficult, but only the begs can mix it up and make if fair for everyone.

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The other good thing about a hard shoot is that it allows you to have a bad stand, keep your head down and still end up with a decent score compared with the overall results.

First....chippy that was great mate !! Ha ha..hope you well bud.

ive read through all comments on here and agree with many...

steve dont change a thing mate, you along side fourcounties have the balls to put targets on to get us thinking and put us back into are class averages we all should be shooting!!!!! Dont get me wrong I love shooting a 85 plus, but I much rather shoot a good 76 at a westfield or fourcounties and want to go back for more..

I also understand what chris is saying about people out to hit a few clays and have fun...its a fine line and I really think its down to the shooter to think do I want a challenge or an easy score..

my choice...challenge every time.

Well all very interesting me thinks people who want big scores should shoot skeet or down the line, sporting should be a test made fair to all by the class system.When i see a give me fill in stand i think what a waste of cartridges and when i see technical coming at me stand i think this is not sporting.Rather than use a midi or a mini put a full size clay further away lets start seeing gaps or we will all be in A and AA.When they say sporting should replicate game shooting on one of the last days i got a invite from a mate, to keep things short i shot the first bird of the day and at the end of the drive the keeper said fantastic shooting,my heart sank for i new i was in for a crap day.I have never seen such low birds killed but they were happy because they had numbers on the game cart. Something tells me a lot of these types shot clays, well if i had my way that day i would have taken there guns away put them on a variety bus and taken them all down the bowls club where they belonged. 

That's why we shoot in the CPSA class system Chris ?? there are more than enough soft target grounds to balance out anyone's average, and many you can have a practice at days before the shoot !! in reality it levels out through the year.

We seem to have come accustomed to very high scores over the last 5 years so no doubt this may have been a step to far for many, so what ! surely it's about a learning curve, not a numbers game ? yes it's nice to shoot the big scores but more over it's about obtaining a average over the year which says how far anyone has actually come.

May be the "Dubai" shoot has enticed people to come out of their comfort zone a bit ? it's really all about what shooters perceive, is good for them, at their current stage of ability ??

There seems to be plenty of clientele wiling to shoot any day of the week, and grounds are providing that option, so if people want big scores ! look in the results column and head that way!!!  I have thought for many years now Westfield, puts you correctly where you are, in the class system with it's current average figures !!!

Be very thank full we live where we live mate ???????
Well said that man, why oh why do you want to shot way beyond average scores at any competition ? Surely it's more pleasurable to achieve shooting well at a good sporting shoot than walking away with a score in the 90's where to be honest your not a top AAA shot, wake up and shoot to ur best ability and progress ! If u want easy shoots club shoots are the way to go, I hear that all to many grounds now have shots practicing on the Friday or Saturday before the shoot ? Do they change traps !! No ! Seen it to many times at shugbourgh ! Golf players when they do the circuits don't play or want play at easy courses they want a challenge !!
I always thought it was about winning either your class or if you're good enough taking the high gun. Averages are just that an average they mean nothing.

I never shoot cpsa events but winning a shoot even if its what you call a straw bailer counts more than a number surely?

We have the same feedback and complaints week in week out about the shoots being too hard or should be set up to cater for the turnover of entrants through the turnstiles.

I am lucky to be surrounded by the 3 grounds of Westfield, Windrush and Weston Wood and within 1 hour 30 mins of all the rest of the top shoots in the south east/west.

I personally think some of the Registered ESP shoots in my region are set up as good as any major championship shoot. What more can you ask for to better your own game?

You will only improve, shooting harder shoots with distance as well as angled edge on technical targets. Clays you would see in the majors.

Too maintain a good average, stay happy, shoot the same ground week in week out! But stop moaning!

Shoot somewhere different every week, gain a library of targets, get better at what you do, enjoy it and meet new friends.


it looks like it might of been on the stiff side, the average score in B was 63.73 (42 shooters) A was 70.57 (45 shooters) and AA 74.7 (20 shooters). I am going to Weston woods on Sunday and have all ways liked it there Steve puts on a good shoot and I like his targets so lets hope and pray :rabbi:  he is a better mood this weekend   :prankster:  

I'm hoping for some respite at Weston too. Four counties last weekend saw 3 people exceed 84 and I just shot Owls Lodge which didn't exactly have 'Richard was feeling charitable' written all over it! Although high gusty winds didn't help..

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so i guess i am right in that the masses and secretly the top shots want to break clays !!!!

good shoot at the wood on sunday no eye sight tests all there to be hit but dont take them for grated or they will slip away 


so i guess i am right in that the masses and secretly the top shots want to break clays !!!!

good shoot at the wood on sunday no eye sight tests all there to be hit but dont take them for grated or they will slip away 

Steve, I am sure that is what I said, :nyam:


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