What snow ?

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2012
So lots of news about snow and the difficulties everyone is having, well It's the driest and sunniest up here for months. Clear sunny skies with a good crisp frost. Can't wait to get out with a gun on the hill in the morning.


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About 4 inches of snow and the country grinds to a halt.

Is it not time that people learned to cope with occasional adverse conditions. Most of the ones that get stuck have very little tread on their tyres and sit stationary , spinning their wheels.

I have to say that infrastructure and experience does help.  In Canada near Toronto with temperatures of -28c there is barely any notice of winter.  Row upon row of snow ploughs take a lane each on the motorway to keep it clear - I counted over 30 in a matter of a few miles on the 401.  Niagara is under ice and icicles for months and everything carries on as normal.  Indians put on displays of ice sculpture carved with knives and saws.  Sheds get put out on the lakes with ice drills so that they fish through the hole in the ice.  The cold is however very dry so does not feel as cold as over here where it is damp.  Lots of people have 2 sets of tyres and wheels for winter and summer.  The airports don't close and Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) seem to work and runways are kept clear.

It does however happen every year guaranteed so they have to be geared up for it!  Accordingly everyone is experienced in driving in and dealing with snow and ice

Can't see my housekeepers Vogue getting stuck so I don't mind the snow as long as supper is ready.

Although we have caught it badly on the North Downs the last three years, yesterday was a joke.

We had about an inch or so of snow, yet it still took me almost three and a half hours to get home from London, a trip that normally takes and hour and a half.

As Robert says, Canada doesn't seem to have this problem nor do the Scandinavian countries. It's not as though the snow came as a surprise either - it was forecast a good week in advance.

Still at least it means that my syndicate will still be meeting up this morning. Nothing like a bit of pheasant shooting in the snow. How would we get next year's Christmas cards?

We don't have any bloody snow at all in West Bay. Went to Cheltenham last weekend and there was plenty up there.

We get a tiny bit then it goes then it comes back and then goes again.

I wish it would either come in one great lump for us to enjoy or go away altogether

This morning we have blue skies and sunshine, not a bit of the white stuff in sight!


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