Whose Broom Was It??

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Surely this video neeeds to be removed ? In today's climate we cannot refer to Councillor Murray as an "old cow".

YEAH!  that's the one.  And why could not the term "old cow" be an endearing phrase?   :thumbsu:
Best ask Mary Whitehouse. She got Alf Garnett to say "Old moo" instead. Sit com in the 60/70s 'Till death do us part.'

Of course, it wouldn't be right to pass up the chance to have another look at "Four Candles" while you are there. Much loved, classic British comedy.

On the subject, the "Germans - Don't mention the war" Fawlty Towers episode has been "withdrawn" as reported on the BBC this morning.

We're all doooomed I tell ye!  

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As a kid I went to the pictures to see 'Song of the South' withdrawn years ago now as Uncle Remus was a slave.

Lovely picture but I never considered it racist, to be honest I didn't even know what racist meant. I just wanted more Brer Rabbit stories and to sing "Theres a bluebird on my shoulder"

Several outlets are reporting that the Fawlty Towers episode is being "reinstated", as per my Google search results. Not having seen the original, was it pulled over actual "racial" slurs, or over poking fun at "ze Germans"? 

Reminds me of the time I was at an industry exhibition at the NEC a few years ago. You know how it is, a lot of faces you recognise but sometimes can’t quite place who they are.. A chap exactly in this camp approached me and could see I was struggling just a bit to connect it all up.. He stood rigidly in front of me, clicked his heels and in a German accent straight from Allo Allo said “Doz it helpp if I talk like ziss”? Oh yes, now I know him, the buyer from AMG..


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