'Wind proof' active over ear defenders

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2015
North Essex
I am sure that none are totally wind proof but I am looking for something that isn't really affected by wind noise even in strong winds. I need to have the volume high when I am game shooting and the basic Debden ones I use for this are affected terribly.

I am only interested in over the ear style.


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I use the Deben slim version in the cold weather and haven't had a problem with wind noise.

I use the Deben slim version in the cold weather and haven't had a problem with wind noise.
Thanks Phil I will give these a try, my friend has some so I can try his, I like the Debden ones I have but they are only the cheap 40 pounds ones, comfortable though.  I also have the Howard Leight ones that live in my clay bag which are OK but still pick up the wind.

See if you can borrow a pair of the slim Napier thingies, I know several people who rave about them. I have Cens digitals and they have wind noise issues too, although not as bad as the 'can' variety. I am as deaf as the proverbial door post, but I get by on Game days. I have learned to use my eyes rather than my ears, that includes watching the other guns to realise the end of drive horn has sounded.

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I have the MSA Sordin's and although not totally "wind proof" they rarely seem to be bothered by it. They are without doubt the best of their type I reckon. 
