working with multiple dummies

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
I am probably moving to fast but I am an impatient begger, eze is almost reliably steady to a thrown dummy but we have the occasional run in. As Mrs and indeed myself throw balls for her and allow run ins to be honest I don't think we will ever be fully steady but I like to just sit on my bench and chuck a ball so were stuck with it. Anyway back to the point. I want to be able to throw two marked retrieves and direct her onto one or tuther but whatever way I try she insists on taking the first retrieve to the second making a pile and then look at them with confusion so any training tips as to how to approach this would be appreciated.

Have you tried this way?

Sit her up with her back close to a hedge or fence,walk 5 paces away from her and whilst facing her toss a dummy either side of her. Send her for one of them and as she stes off walk to the spot she was sat in,so you can intercept her if she tries to get to the other dummy. Crouch down and really coax her into you. If she gives you the first dummy send her immediately for the second as her reward. If it goes wrong try again a few time but dont over do it in one session.

Once she gets the idea you can make her wait a few seconds before you send her for the 2nd one and begin to alternate which one you send her for first.

brand new

cheers, yes I have done exactly that but unless I cut her off she will run straight to the other so what I am confused about is how to progress from this exercise as presumably one needs to get to the stage were she retrieves to were I am standing when I throw it, this is what I am struggling to get.

I do it most days !
ha :)

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Keep cutting her off and when she gives you the dummy make a right big deal of it. If you need to do the exercise with only one dummy. Also try sitting her back to the hedge and stand next to her then toss the dummies out and send her for the one you want. I recently taught a 7 yr old bitch who had never retrieved in her life this and it took only a few lessons to achieve it. So I am sure that Eze will soon grasp what is required of her. Most dogs are clever and think one step ahead of us. We need to out think them and reign them in.

cheers Ian.

tried it exactly as you said this afternoon just the once. I cut her off BUT she delivered straight away then I sat her up and sent for the other. In the past she tries to run around me but as I say today she didn't and delivered with no drama. How do I know when to trust her to deliver it to were I am standing rather than cutting her off or is it just a case of give it a go and if she doesn't go back a step to cutting her off ?


very good sessions today, no run ins :)

If she has done that and delivered to hand just keep her doing that and big reward for her. You have at last got her doing what you wish so dont push your luck,just keep this behaviour going for a few days. Be patient,you have made progress,consolidate it before moving on.

Well done Ian.

ok will do, thanks for the advice its appreciated

cheers Ian

Do you use your recall whistle after the first dummy? If not, then make use of it.

no I don't David. But I will if you think it will help.

Ips no problem with throwing a ball but even while doing that you can I insist she waits for the command to retrieve. It really is building blocks with dog training, as for what your doing again back a step single dummy retrieve an insist on immediate return.

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Another tip is to drop the dog about 5-10yards from you when she is returning with the dummy. It achieves a few things let's the dog know your still in control even when shes retrieving and makes for a good delivery. Also if you can drop her with dummy in mouth you can drop her before she gets to the second dummy and recall. Just work very close to start with baby steps.

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thanks Gavin that's most helpful.

out of interest re dropping the dog whilst enroute with a retrieve. In what real life (game) situation would one want / need to do that. I am not questioning you as such but I am struggling to come up with scenario. ?

It's all about end result. Might never happen in the real world. But trust me it will help you, it will sharpen her up to the stop whistle put you in control. Also you will find when you do this all the dog wants to do is get back to you with the dummy which in turn you can use with multiple dummies ( is the penny dropping) basically drop the dog 5 yards out from you when returning with the dummy work on instant stop wait a moment use your recall whistle, the dog is so happy to be released from the drop hearing the recall whistle (the recall whistle becomes her best friend) and she loves hearing it and returning to you with the dummy, it becomes a habit just work close and make sure the return is right up to you.

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Just one more thing if your going to playing games with the dog and letting it have fun throwing balls and letting it play keep that to the one place your back yard or the beach or park. the dog needs to know when it's play time and when it's training if u jumble it all up the dog will be confused

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ah, now I get it cheers Gavin excellent explanation even I can understand :)

your now my new training guru ?

one question before I give it a go this evening. When I drop her do I need a sit or just a stop ?

oh and re the ball playing bit which incidentally is her favourite thing in the world ie running in for it, are you saying have only one place for ball play ie my garden and one training area ie my field ?? But what about when were away in caravan etc what then, does the new place become a training zone to proof stuff or a play area . Hope that makes sense.

really appreciate the great advice ?


You must work that out your self play and training read the dog......I use different words for play and training....get-on only used in training I use...go play when sending the dog on meaning he can do what ever he likes. Sit or just stop that is entirely your choice, but sit and stop mean the same to me if my dog is sitting he's not moving

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To achieve steadiness,you can not allow a dog to run in at any time or any place with any object. With most dogs,being told to wait only increases anticipation and eagerness to retrieve,thus making the game even more exciting.

Recent spaniel training class had 23 spaniels sat off the lead in a circle. Dummies and tennis balls were all thrown around them and over their heads. Not one moved. If they are not 100% steady on dummies and ball then you have very little chance of steadiness and control over them when there are real birdies falling from the sky and running away.


I tried the drop three yards or so from me during a retrieve, to be honest I wasn't expecting much BUT she stopped on a sixpence and sat without command :) recall whistle to complete the delivery :) left it at that ?

brand new

I think we have touched on the never allow run ins before and I am sure you are correct however I don't think its feasable because the wife likes to play ball with her and to be honest I do on occasions. As we have always done this she seems to know that she can run in with a ball but theoretically only a ball. It remains a struggle to keep her steady but its fare to say that we are progressing slowly.



question, how often should I do the drop on return ? Do I just do occasionally as in once per session or is it a rinse and repeat job. I don't want to overdo it and have her anticipating??

You can't really over do it so don't worry she can never anticipate what distance your going to drop her at if you mix it up. Enjoy your dog if your not worried about the odd run in enjoy playing with her that my friend is entirely your choice. Also when you drop her with the dummy a few yards out throw another but make her return with the one in her mouth before you send for the second dummy. Little steps and when it don't go to plan come back a step, and don't over do it now that it's getting warm

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