Your Most Embarrasing Shooting Moment

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Aug 25, 2012
Newton Abbot
Ok I've nicked this idea from the target shooting forum that I belong to but it has a collection of wonderful stories on it like ariving at shoot with no gun or no ammo or leaving shoot and leaving gun behind or driving over the gun and breaking it etc

I haven't got an embarrasing moment for shotgun yet but I'm sure that I will do soon enough.

Here's an example of mine from target shooting

My best disaster was a few years ago at Bisley in an unsquadded competition.

I was quite happily shooting at 100 yards and then realised that someone was shooting on my target which is frustrating as you don't really know which shots are yours and which are theirs.

Anyway the guy next door didn't own up and there didn't seem to be any excess shots on the target so I finished the card, put the rifle down and started to study my achievements throught the scope and those of the shooters in my vicinity, thinking I had had a good shoot

I then realised what a prat I was when I realised that my scope had been pointing at the target of the shooter next to me (at least A class from the quality of the shot target!) but I had been shooting on my own target and using his shot information to conduct my own shoot .

When I looked at my own shot target I had a sighting diagram and two shot targets with groups about 2.5 inches to the left of the bull!

Pitiful score resulted but I'll NEVER make that mistake again!


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It's going to have to be, sending all my shooting gear and gun home with my dad so that I could sit back, relax and enjoy watching the shoot offs of all the shooters attempting to get into the Welsh sporting team. Only to be told 30mins later that I was in a shoot off shortly, I had to hot tail it round to borrow and gun, glasses etc... Was just about to shoot and dad turned up and drove straight up to the shoot off stand (he has to be the slowest driver in the world!), swapped guns and thankfully I hit some targets!

Having just touched on safety in another thread I though that I might recount this tale.

I was an avid member of Round Table in my younger life and another Round Tabler was a farmer and organised a popular annual straw baler shoot for Round Tablers.

Clearly lots of us did not or had never shot before. Nick, the Building Society Manager, went into the "Cage" surrounded by bales with some of us behind waiting our turn or spectating. I am sure you can imagine Nick who was not a sporty type and wore pebble type glasses at least a quarter of an inch thick but he was as keen as everyone else to have a go. In previous rounds he had not yet hit a clay and clearly did not expect to when he suddenly dusted one with his first barrel. Of course his first reaction was one of absolute delight and he turned to tell us all what we had already seen and as he turned about 10 of us hit the floor flat in case he inadvertenlty pulled the trigger on the second barrel!

We all had a good laugh about it in the pub afterwards but it just showed how easily accidents can and will happen.

Was new to sporttrap and went from one stand to the adjoining one. I was wondering why people hadn't put their empty shells in the bin when the referee pointed out I was shooting from the gap between the stands!



took wife out to show her how much ive progressed in the last 3 months to a 60 bird sporting

18/60 :oops:

Shooting the Beretta World this year a stand with two going away birds through a gap in the hedge prob one of the easiest stands off the day most if not all 8 to 10 shooters straighted before me until my go the dreaded trigger freeze strikes again causing me to pull the gun to one side missing completely and blowing a large portion of the hedge away to the great amusment of all waiting behind :huh: :.:

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No shotgun ones...but give it time! Have turned up at Bisley for a LSR comp,with the bolt still in the ammo safe,and once in a Standard Pistol national comp at Bisley,the RO asked us to unload as the turning targets weren't working properly,so I pressed the eject on my LP50 and the mag shot over the next 3 firing points,I rushed over to get it only to get a bollacking from the RO for leaving my firing point,and I still can't get that mag to cycle properly,never mind, there only 50 quid:)

Packed all my stuff for an invite day on cracking phessies last year the night before and put it all by the front door after the third check through, just the guns to get out the cabinet.  Cue sleepless night with excitement (the last invite from this guy turned into a 500+ day). 

Overslept; so when mine host arrived with driver (my missus actually as she loads for him every week) to pick me up we left in a rush - so they were loading my stuff from the porch while I grabbed my guns.  Got in car to discover that between us we had forgotten to put my shells in!

Had to borrow a bag and huge numbers of shells for the day -  shalln't do that again.


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