Custom ear plugs!

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2014
Just had my impressions taken at Beaumont hospital for my custom ear plugs by ultimate ear. Must say its a very odd sensation. Anyone any experience with ultimate ear? Think there in London.

I had mine done at the shooting show last year and agree it felt wierd! Mine are noisebreakers and not heard of ultimate ear. They all seem to do the same ting in slightly different ways right up to the CENS models!  I'm sure you'll love them, i love mine. 

Felt like being under water mike, hope I like them, iv gone for the clear ones.

I noted with interest whilst looking at USA pro cards on the American shooters how few used any sort of branded ear protection.
"Foam" was the norm.

Felt like being under water mike, hope I like them, iv gone for the clear ones
I have gone for standard non adjustable ones and i think that they have added a few clays to my competition scores purely because they block so much noise out. In my local clubs shoots there are always people taking and sometimes fluffy rabbits from behind but with these i can't hear most of it and i can easily block out the rest with concentration. People have to tell me afterwards what i have missed :) . I do find that i can't hear people if i am stood a few feet away or if they are talking quietly though but mine were £600 cheaper than the adjustable cens so i think i'm quids in! It is also one less thing to remember to keep turning them up and down during the round if they are the basic models. 

I've been using the molded type for over 20yrs now.  My regret is that I didn't have them sooner.  Ah, well.  Far the majority of the experienced shooters that I know use the same.  Quality foam is OK but the molded ones perform just as well and are way more convenient.  IMO of course.

For reasons beyond my understanding the price on them has ballooned up to around $60 recently, about 3X what it used to be.  I consider it a righteous gouge.  Fortunately there are DIY kits available for about $15 IIRC and that's on my list for this year's chores.

I can recall reading a test on various types of hearing defence some years ago in either Pull or Sporting Gun mags. The foam came out as being the best solely based upon their ability to expand inside the ear, if correctly installed. Problem is they are prone to ear infections, if reused and allowed to become dirty.

Nope but I have experience with Beaumont Hospital they rebuilt my arm :)..... I do use custom plugs though and would not use anything else.

Just had my impressions taken at Beaumont hospital for my custom ear plugs by ultimate ear. Must say its a very odd sensation. Anyone any experience with ultimate ear? Think there in London.
I had two sets made by ultimate ear about 10 years ago I did not know there were still going.

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I had two sets made by ultimate ear about 10 years ago I did not know there were still going.
Yep still going strong from what I gather, cost me about £120 for the final molds and £35 to the technician AT&T he hospital, should get them in 28 days apparently.

These are the ones I'm getting.




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I make custom ear protection guys if you need any advice allways on here too. Allport the picture is of sonic valves that's the type of mould you have bought.

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I've been using the molded type for over 20yrs now.  My regret is that I didn't have them sooner.  Ah, well.  Far the majority of the experienced shooters that I know use the same.  Quality foam is OK but the molded ones perform just as well and are way more convenient.  IMO of course.

For reasons beyond my understanding the price on them has ballooned up to around $60 recently, about 3X what it used to be.  I consider it a righteous gouge.  Fortunately there are DIY kits available for about $15 IIRC and that's on my list for this year's chores.
Well, the price will have ballooned.  Your national debt in 1994 (about 20 years ago), was only $4.8 trillion...its getting on for $17 Trillion now.  

Thanks to "them" recently permitting the increase of the debt ceiling again, it will probably be $20 Trillion by 2016.

Ours won't be far behind though!  :fie:

Best spend the money saved on the DIY kit, on this;


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I make custom ear protection guys if you need any advice allways on here too. Allport the picture is of sonic valves that's the type of mould you have bought.

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Yep those are the ones.
I make custom ear protection guys if you need any advice allways on here too. Allport the picture is of sonic valves that's the type of mould you have bought.

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If I'd of known you did them I would of used you pal, rather keep it in the mix with like minded people.

Just out of interest what do they cost now.I bought two pairs one with the sonic valves for shooting and one plain for motor cycling and they cost £85 but that was 10 years ago.PM if you don't want to put prices on here.

Hocks filters which is a step up from sonics are £110 done. +£35 home visit if not done at a ground or show

Oh and did I say im at the shooting show hall3 stand 27 come see us say hi

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I have custom none active plugs done while you wait at the Kriegof last year cost was 60 and they are excellent. Tried the diy moulds fist but they were rubbish, different material much harder so did not do anything much, now use them for strimming and ride on mower use.

The good thing about Plugz is that they keep your mould on file so you can call them up when you lose one of your two ear defenders. Do other companies do that?
