Cammo for Clays.

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Don't have an issue with team issue stuff, and actually I can see the point of decorous trackie bottoms, not a lot different in practicality to the elasticated chino's I prefer for comps and infinitely preferable to displaying a builder's crack. Thought the lasses in the Skeet did the sport proud, though IMO the Aussie lass Laura Coles, was a margin ahead of everyone else.

"Dress it up" how ever you want, I don't think it makes much difference to none shooters.

If folk are against "guns" it's generally everything from BB guns though air rifles and shotguns right up to CF rifles, dressing differently isn't going to change there outlook I don't believe ! You just go from the commando wanna be to the rar rar toff !

I don't wear camo to clay shoots other than in hot weather a pair of "fashionable" camo shorts that I have.

I use my standard wood furniture browning 525 for clays but if I have some rough shooting/ pigeon shooting planned I will take my black pump action mossberg to the clay ground for a quick practise to get my eye in so to speak. It's not my regular choice for many reasons but still no harm especially at none registered shoots.



Yep I know what you mean. I am the same really, I will be wearing my zip off clodhoppers trousers, my 'fashionable' string vest, my yellow riggers boots with steel toecaps, oh and my knotted handkerchief to keep the sun out of my eyes. Then of course there will be the obligatory glasses stuck on top of my head and the cables going to my various pockets and back to my ears and my fashionable 'man' bag slung over my shoulder, I suppose I will cut a fashionable dash.

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Yep I know what you mean. I am the same really, I will be wearing my zip off clodhoppers trousers, my 'fashionable' string vest, my yellow riggers boots with steel toecaps, oh and my knotted handkerchief to keep the sun out of my eyes. Then of course there will be the obligatory glasses stuck on top of my head and the cables going to my various pockets and back to my ears and my fashionable 'man' bag slung over my shoulder, I suppose I will cut a fashionable dash.
ah but at least they won't be cammo :eek:k:

Didn't know there was such a thing as fashionable cammo shorts ?

You live and learn, who are the purveyors of these highly fashionable items of attire ?

Didn't know there was such a thing as fashionable cammo shorts ?

You live and learn, who are the purveyors of these highly fashionable items of attire ?
I get mine from Saville Row. Lined in Pigskin Suede - Heaven!   :nyam:

Much to do about nothing. Providing the shooter points his/her gun downrange and is seen to be safe, It does not bother me what they wear. Only shooting snobs worry about the garb of their fellow shooters.

As for the excuse that "camo" gear may offend the general public some how, it's mighty doubtful in my opinion. You could be wearing a Saville Row suit, and still be annoying to the general public.


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Much to do about nothing. Providing the shooter points his/her gun downrange and is seen to be safe, It does not bother me what they wear. Only shooting snobs worry about the garb of their fellow shooters.

As for the excuse that "camo" gear may offend the general public some how, it's mighty doubtful in my opinion. You could be wearing a Saville Row suit, and still be annoying to the general public.


It's not about 'annoying' the public, but their perception of us as a 'group'.  If we are perceived as the 'Rambo' sort then that is not a favourable image in the eyes of Mr & Mrs Joe Public.  

Surely, if we want to gain support and increase the awareness and viability of this sport, is it not better to be perceived by the (albeit sometimes easily led or misguided - generalisation, non specific) public as a set of 'professional acting', clean, well presented people who care about what they do and do it in a safe manner?

Big + 1

i hate golf but at least they adhere to a strict dress code and we should imo base ourselves on there protocol.


Please don't make me wear this Ips :)



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i hate golf but at least they adhere to a strict dress code and we should imo base ourselves on there protocol.
I can see it now. The Ronnie Corbett Trap extravaganza dress code strictly Pringle and Argyle Breeks. I think I'm toooo young to shoot clays anymore.
I like it, it has a certain grace which appeals to me.


You could turn up wearing pink swimming trunks for all that I care, but you would probably be better accepted by those that seek to stop us, than if you were wearing cammo gear. In the 17 years that I was involved with running a shooting ground, we never knew who would turn up unannounced on a Sunday morning. We even had a visit from Elf & Safety, who were investigating an incident at another Ground, but chose to land on us, pretending to be beginners looking to take up shooting. Plain clothed Police Officers, checking to see how easy it was to nick a gun or to see if we were checking for Criminal Records offences on people we had never seen before. Now try, if you can, and imagine a load of cammo clad morons running around the place when these people arrived. Do you think that would go unnoticed ? Believe me when I say that I speak from experience. Just after I left an accidental discharge in the clubhouse occured causing minor injuries to 2 people. These people duly had to visit A & E, where of course the Police were informed of 'Gunshot Wounds', DO YOU NOW GET THE PICTURE ?

You could turn up wearing pink swimming trunks for all that I care, but you would probably be better accepted by those that seek to stop us, than if you were wearing cammo gear. In the 17 years that I was involved with running a shooting ground, we never knew who would turn up unannounced on a Sunday morning. We even had a visit from Elf & Safety, who were investigating an incident at another Ground, but chose to land on us, pretending to be beginners looking to take up shooting. Plain clothed Police Officers, checking to see how easy it was to nick a gun or to see if we were checking for Criminal Records offences on people we had never seen before. Now try, if you can, and imagine a load of cammo clad morons running around the place when these people arrived. Do you think that would go unnoticed ? Believe me when I say that I speak from experience. Just after I left an accidental discharge in the clubhouse occured causing minor injuries to 2 people. These people duly had to visit A & E, where of course the Police were informed of 'Gunshot Wounds', DO YOU NOW GET THE PICTURE ?
It matters not a jot what you wear when shooting, bad gun handling and unsafe use is caused by a lack of knowledge and or a low brain cell count. I have yet to come across a bunch of marauding camo clad rambos at any shoot I have been to, I have however been to many shoots where game/rough shooters have been practising in the kit they would wear in the field. Perhaps we could lower the risk of negligent discharges in the club house with compulsory training something people seem to be adverse to. I count myself lucky that safe handling was taught to me buy an experienced shot and allowed me to pass the knowledge to friends new to the sport. We seem to hung up on image not what knowledge the person holding the gun has.
Of course the traditional golfing gear is the same as the traditional shooting gear..... Sportswear in Edwardian era was, stockings, plus 4's, shirt, waistcoat, and jacket with a cap.



Get the Caddy to drop off the golf bats and pick up your purdey and you're ready for the grouse moor.....................

Today however.........



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Reginald old sport, you really need to give it more lead and if that damned fool with the camera doesn't straighten up he's going to fall over
