are Pillas worth the ££

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2013
thinking of upgrading from my Oakleys to a set of Pillas but are they worth the extra £££?

Check out the Randolph rangers

I bought a set about six months ago and think their fantastic

Regards pete

I went from Oakleys to Pilla a few years ago. Colours of lenses are personal, but that aside I much preferred the Pilla lense  "visor" shape. No clutter in my vision. Also the frames are much more comfortable under headphones. but if your Oakleys are working fine for you; be clear that this "super vision" thing is marketing talk IMO..

I went from Oakleys to Pilla a few years ago. Colours of lenses are personal, but that aside I much preferred the Pilla lense  "visor" shape. No clutter in my vision. Also the frames are much more comfortable under headphones. but if your Oakleys are working fine for you; be clear that this "super vision" thing is marketing talk IMO..

I bought a set and still can't hit sh*t...

Tinker bell said:
Mind you also depends on what you consider worth it....and it does not really matter if we consider it worth it.

Opinions are like arseholes everyone has one and I'm interested in peoples opinions I wouldn't buy a car without reading reviews about it I don't see this as any different unfortunately theres not many comparisons out there!

I bought a pair of Randolph Rangers and have shot with them three times, really like them, 1/2 the price of Pilla...

be clear that this "super vision" thing is marketing talk IMO..
I tend to agree with Will, I have had many many different shooting glasses and lens colours and I have yet to find any magical combination. Pilla are best for me but only because I cannot shoot if I can see any bridge so the postless wrap around work for me. Having said that I do not find them the most comfortable to wear over long periods due to the weight and the nose piece. The clarity of the lens is very very good though with no distortion at the sides which I have found on some cheaper lens's.

Worth the money ? that's for the individual to decide.

I cannot justify 50k or whatever for a car but I can justify 500 quid for shooting glasses but that's just me.

Pilla are in a league of their own possibly the best £570 I have ever spent .Orston shooting ground offer the choice of lenses you want you don't have to have a factory set of three you chose the colours yourself . I have never looked back since buying them it's like looking through prescription lenses



I will look into the frames you mention.

I tried 46N purple job last week and did not notice any perceivable difference / improvement on my 85 pink things. All very personal and subjective this lens colour thing.

I am surprised there has been no mention of castallini(zies) c mask,very good and cheaper than pilla. 

Tinker bell said:
Well William and IPS ....with great respect I have to disagree...some of the new lenses like the 46N etc give such a better relaxed easier vision and quicker target acquisition because you can see it.

Of course I am with you 100% on the rubbish talked about....look harder and it looks bigger bollocks.

I think that correct lense colour for you own eye's colour range (and remember we are all different with colours that you eye sees best) will ensure less stressful shooting. You are not straining to pick the birds up.

......true story

.....just saying

IMHO :wink:
Yes I originally said that colours were personal preference I think. Of course they are. What I should have been clearer saying, was all about the huge lense cost because "the lenses are moulded in 30 hours and are super uniform" or whatever.. That seems to be a waste of dosh to me..

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Deershooter said;-     Pilla " I have never looked back since buying them." 

That's forward thinking.

The Pilla's for me, just on their shape alone. The Randolph's seemed to let in too much light from the sides so that I would have required side shields and I lead a blinkered enough life as it is.

thinking of upgrading from my Oakleys to a set of Pillas but are they worth the extra £££?
You can try mine next time dude, see what you think. I have found that the 46N, has helped me with orange on green...especially that pair of fast quartering, at Abbey.

You can try mine next time dude, see what you think. I have found that the 46N, has helped me with orange on green...especially that pair of fast quartering, at Abbey.
Cheers I'll take you up on that! If you see me running away fast with them on you know I like them!!!

I am surprised there has been no mention of castallini(zies) c mask,very good and cheaper than pilla.
No doubt someone will be able to confirm or otherwise but I have read that Zeiss make the lenses for Castellani Cmask shooting specs and that you can get all the colours for them so could be value for money. I use Randolph glasses and find them fine ( I use them primarily to correct my dom eye problem) when I consider the number of colour choices I have vs cost paid they seem good value. If money is not a barrier then go for them , Pilla's , will you break more targets than with your Oakley's who knows?.. does it matter? I don't go thinking that a pair of shooting glasses is going to break targets for me, but to break the target you have to see it first and the sooner the better so different lenses may be a benefit however look at MD shoots with a pair of Ray Ban sunny's !

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thinking of upgrading from my Oakleys to a set of Pillas but are they worth the extra £££?
You are just going to get a lot of personal opinions which can only help to a degree as whether they work for you is - personal.

Ed Lyons kindly sent me a variety of frames to try and I picked the Pilla's. With an insert, they were the best option for my misshapen heid and peculiar shooting style. You get the point..

Personally I fancied one of the Oakley frames but with my head position and particular geometry they just were not going to work for me.

Try as many as you can and work out what works best for you

They are NOT magical. Lots of people buy them because lots of people use them. I do like them, in particular the insert works very very well, but the price is a lot to swallow. If I did not need/want an insert would I use them - probably not as there are other systems which are also very good at much lower price and don't look quite so alien!  Again that is only a personal opinion.
