EJ Churchill ESP Reg shoot 5.5.16

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Will Hewland

Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011

Great weather shaping up for this one, and the late last card for those that need it.

from EJC website:

Thank you to everyone who has entered our CPSA registered shoots this year. We have seen a fantastic turnout at every shoot and we hope you are all enjoying shooting with us! See you again on Thursday 5th May 12pm – 6pm.

The CPSA course is a 100 English Sporting registered over 10 or 12 manned stands. Prize Money will be given to High Gun at £75.00 and each Winner in Class in AA, A, B and C (prize money depending upon entries per class).

Competition entries cost £39.50 and birds only at £34.50

NOTE: Hats, glasses and hearing protection are compulsory at all times for competitors and spectators while on the shooting ground. For CPSA registered competitions only we allow you to shoot plastic wad cartridges.

£75 seems very small high gun prize considering the entry they get!

I've said they need a Pool Shoot for the past 18 months but they've never got round to it.

Think it shows that majority of shooters are not attracted by prize money & just want to enjoy shooting !!

Tho, personally i agree that it should be higher, most grounds offer £100 minimum Hi-gun & payout minimum of 3 places in the classes for a lower entry fee !!

It was £100 high gun fifteen years ago when entries were thirty quid! Having a laugh in my view.

Not saying it's a life changing figure but we're being robbed in almost every sphere of life whether it's cartridge cartels, fuel, utilities, trains, etc, so why not just take the pee with HG as well. They know it isn't as if we're gonna start a revolution. 

Greenfields dropped HG from £100 to £75 shortly after the recession hit their entries, numbers look much healthier than a few years ago now but no sign of HG being increased  :wacko: , Willow Farm used to have £50 HG back in the 90's when I clearly remember shooting there regularly with a young Winser, now it's £30  :baby:  and the last couple of times I have been there they were packed too, mind you the club house and the pictures on the wall haven't changed, they are literally as they were in the previous millennium. 

Keston used to pay out to third in all except AA  :???:  who only got one place (thanks for encouraging improvers) now they pay to second in all classes, charming. Horne HG has stayed at £100 but you can't make head or tail from how many places they pay out to in the various classes. Abbey pays to third in all classes but third envelope is almost embarrassing and HG is I believe £60 although they're usually 70 birders. One of the busiest local grounds with many double entries so again difficult to understand the nature of prize monies especially when the entry costs have all gone up. 

We get what we deserve, this is all part and parcel of the reason we aren't taken seriously by others.

The clubs should publish how many £5.00 comps are paid and pay that out. If its a comp then everyone should pay it and not have two entry prices. This would encourage like minded people to enter competitions. But its all about the money and I suppose it keeps entry costs down as well.

I personally could not care less about winning the money, if I do its a bonus, I want to feel entertained bit like going to the pictures. I have won a lot in the 2.5 years I've been doing reg comps and it mainly pays for the entry and fuel so your never going to get rich any time soon.

I would rather see our sport dragged out of muddy fields and sheds and into a more professional environment bit like it is in America, it may get more media attention then. We the shooters do our bit turning up in all weathers paying whatever they ask, may be its time the grounds did their bit too. 

As I've always said, its really easy to be transparent - I produced an Excel sheet which a few ground owners have seen and used that provides a format for paying out. 

Club shoots and weekenders can pay out what they like in prize money, there are no rules. Its a bit different for registered shoots though, there are rules to be adhered to and to be fair, a lot of grounds follow them. There are a number of notable exceptions.

Display the entry fee, show the prize element. The moment entries close display the number of entries showing target-only entries and then the amount of prize money in total. Shortly afterwards display the amount of prize money to be paid out to each class and the number of places. The high gun prize is sourced from the shoot revenue and not the prize fund. When the last card is handed in find the winners, check them against the refs master sheets and put the money in the brown envelopes and present them. Done.

I noticed Don at Podimore gives a full write up of entries, prizes money paid in and where it is paid out to.

Most of the shoots I go to the overall HG is £100 or £150 usually.

And churchills get about the same entries I believe. Just assumed it would be the same.

One rule in life..............NEVER assume !!!!

:wink: :wink:

Just saw a post on FB that another local ground are increasing HG from £150 - £250! 

Just saw a post on FB that another local ground are increasing HG from £150 - £250! 
The highest score of the day deserves to win a decent amount, £250 is fair and I personally think we should bump up HG by having fewer placings in other classes including AA if need be.

The highest score of the day deserves to win a decent amount, £250 is fair and I personally think we should bump up HG by having fewer placings in other classes including AA if need be.
Your only saying that because you win a lot of high guns ? . They should do away with high gun and pay down to 10 place in classes.?

Think guide lines for payouts at reg shoots seem to be left to the grounds discretion ??? as long as they payout the difference between B/O and Comp !! if you are charging £36-£40 per 100 alot depends on the B/O prices, as to what gets back to the shooters ??  are grounds  obliged to not take any H/G money from entries then ??? often noticed when entries seem to double, to the norm, the cash prizes often don't ...... ?? for me money should stay in the class it was payed into !!!!! 70 comp entries in any class returns 70x 5 =£300  :smile: ....competition needs a goal and reward on ability ? the price saved by any shooter opting for B/O over comp is more often similar to 2-3 cups of coffee at many grounds  ????? so if they scrapped B/O would 1,000's of shooters not come ? doubt it ...transparency, and fairness is all we can ask for , and it's what we should be getting , think you're not getting it vote with you're money , take it somewhere else ! 

Aiming to get there for 2.45. Weather looks lovely - maybe I should have packed my shorts :)
Listen .... We'd rather you win by shooting well than scaring off the competition!

Think guide lines for payouts at reg shoots seem to be left to the grounds discretion ??? as long as they payout the difference between B/O and Comp !! if you are charging £36-£40 per 100 alot depends on the B/O prices, as to what gets back to the shooters ??  are grounds  obliged to not take any H/G money from entries then ??? often noticed when entries seem to double, to the norm, the cash prizes often don't ...... ?? for me money should stay in the class it was payed into !!!!! 70 comp entries in any class returns 70x 5 =£300  :smile: ....competition needs a goal and reward on ability ? the price saved by any shooter opting for B/O over comp is more often similar to 2-3 cups of coffee at many grounds  ????? so if they scrapped B/O would 1,000's of shooters not come ? doubt it ...transparency, and fairness is all we can ask for , and it's what we should be getting , think you're not getting it vote with you're money , take it somewhere else ! 
Must have seen this argument 20 times in the past 2 years or so.

A lot of people don't bother with Reg shoots because of all the talk about the CPSA. Who needs a ranking if the prize for winning your class only pays out the entry fee or thereabouts? Easy enough to see if you shot better than the next bloke by checking out the cpsa web or ( some ) grounds sites.

Why don't you convince your local ground to try it and see what happens? I'll take a guess that they'll ask you to make up the difference in take home when the numbers go down!

