Cartridges , value for money versus cost

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Will, if you're at Oxford next week, I'll dig some FBlu (28/7.5), FBlack (28/8.5), F3 Pistons (28/8.5) & some Super Blacks (28/7.5) out of my leftover cartridges box for you to have a play with.

I've been trying quite a few of the Fiocchi range, and I can honestly say the only ones I don't like are the F3 Reds. F3 Pistons seem to be my go to cartridge for most things at the mo.

Can't say I notice much difference in the recoil between any of them. But being the lump I am seems to suck up the recoil rather well.🤣

Will, if you're at Oxford next week, I'll dig some FBlu (28/7.5), FBlack (28/8.5), F3 Pistons (28/8.5) & some Super Blacks (28/7.5) out of my leftover cartridges box for you to have a play with.

I've been trying quite a few of the Fiocchi range, and I can honestly say the only ones I don't like are the F3 Reds. F3 Pistons seem to be my go to cartridge for most things at the mo.

Can't say I notice much difference in the recoil between any of them. But being the lump I am seems to suck up the recoil rather well.🤣
I have booked in. Haven’t forgiven them for their last shoot yet, but ever optimistic.. Cheers mate! 

Will, if you manage to get your hands on some FBlues let us know what you think.

I use them and don't think they are hard on the shoulder but, to me, all cartridges feel the same - no sense, no feeling! I do think they are a good, long range cartridge. I buy mine from a shoot with the initials GB 😏 but they are closed until March. Last seen at £235/1000 or thereabouts

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So, Daz W kindly gave me a few Fiocchis to try. So far, I’ve just patterned a couple.

Regarding the FBlu I see they are 2.4mm shot (UK 7). Having patterned them, they spread out a lot for a 2.4mm shot, going to around 15” usable circle at 15 yards. (There is a scrappy outer ring of pellets to 19”, but it’s inconsistent and gappy). This circle size is normal for a typical 2.2mm UK 8 shot size, so I can see how they are a good bet for most sporting targets. (Express Power Gold in same shot size are 13” at 15 yards).

I can also see how they would kill well at long distance if the shot is placed well. I would slightly worry about consistently shooting a long range target that wasn’t showing a lot of face, as there will be gaps in the pattern at distance as the pattern isn’t very even and there is a low pellet count in that shot size of course.

I feel they have used cheaper materials to keep price down, and therefore gone for the big shot size to hold the pattern tighter (which I think would otherwise be messy with 8s).

I will try a few when I next shoot to see what I think of recoil etc.


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This is a helpful discussion. It would be very helpful to identify those who have moved to cheaper cartridges without issue - or perhaps, a different word, successfully.

It's all a personal thing but comparative comments on the cheaper cartridges are useful. Personally I have moved very successfully from F3 (Blue) to F-Blu (24g) - its not that I'm shooting any better but that I am not questioning the F-Blu having been confident with the F3.

So, Daz W kindly gave me a few Fiocchis to try. So far, I’ve just patterned a couple.

Regarding the FBlu I see they are 2.4mm shot (UK 7). Having patterned them, they spread out a lot for a 2.4mm shot, going to around 15” usable circle at 15 yards. (There is a scrappy outer ring of pellets to 19”, but it’s inconsistent and gappy). This circle size is normal for a typical 2.2mm UK 8 shot size, so I can see how they are a good bet for most sporting targets. (Express Power Gold in same shot size are 13” at 15 yards).

I can also see how they would kill well at long distance if the shot is placed well. I would slightly worry about consistently shooting a long range target that wasn’t showing a lot of face, as there will be gaps in the pattern at distance as the pattern isn’t very even and there is a low pellet count in that shot size of course.

I feel they have used cheaper materials to keep price down, and therefore gone for the big shot size to hold the pattern tighter (which I think would otherwise be messy with 8s).

I will try a few when I next shoot to see what I think of recoil etc.

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Surprised that there isn’t a mark that the wad hit. At 15 yards I would have thought the wad should still be in the pattern?

Well I'm AA and aside from a few job lots of bin ends I've shot fblus for 5 + years .  I shoot around 4000 reg targets in a year with approx 87% average. So not too much wrong with that. 

In the bin ends there have been some sovereigns which are fab , but mega money. Also some basherie  and pellagri.  These give the best breaks anywhere, anytime. But to me they feel a bit thumpy. They are also eye-wateringly expensive.

Also some vips . These don't seem to do anything better than an fblu. 

And as stated previously,  I like the fiocchi range. But pound for pound the fblus give the best value for money. 

I don't feel the fblus are the reason for my misses. 

I have a couple of thousand at the mo and have just grabbed another load of bin ends at a favourable  price. Which include f3. Eley titanium, vips. So more comments to follow. 


I've just got another delivery of Sellier & Bellot 24g 9's from Westlander, great value for money 

Surprised that there isn’t a mark that the wad hit. At 15 yards I would have thought the wad should still be in the pattern?
I have patterned a lot of cartridges. At 15 yards about 30% of the time the wad hits the cardboard. Anybody judging the shot by the wad is sorely mistaken. They fly like a pigeon with one wing. 

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I have patterned a lot of cartridges. At 15 yards about 30% of the time the wad hits the cardboard. Anybody judging the shot by the wad is sorely mistaken. They fly like a pigeon with one wing. 
I wasn’t judging anything, just surprised that at 15 yards the wad has dropped off the pattern. 

Been to a midweek ground this morning that attracts a wide range of shooters. Everyone was aware of where cartridge prices are going, one or two considering to pack in altogether but most suggested they will just cut back on their shooting to continue within their present budget. That's probably what my choice will be too. 

Been to a midweek ground this morning that attracts a wide range of shooters. Everyone was aware of where cartridge prices are going, one or two considering to pack in altogether but most suggested they will just cut back on their shooting to continue within their present budget. That's probably what my choice will be too. 
Same here

Edit: I know what I can afford and am not prepared to go above it to line cartridge manufactures pockets, if it's once a month so be it.

Lot of other things I'd like to spend my hard earned on as well coming into retirement ☺️  

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Been to a midweek ground this morning that attracts a wide range of shooters. Everyone was aware of where cartridge prices are going, one or two considering to pack in altogether but most suggested they will just cut back on their shooting to continue within their present budget. That's probably what my choice will be too. 
What else should we do? I won´t ask for a bank loan to go shooting. It is a hobby and my budget for it is what it is.

I tried a few Fiocchi today. Just my quick opinions:

Only a couple of FBlacks on a close target just to feel the recoil, which seemed Ok actually, better than I recall from old days. 

Just a couple of F3 pistons to see how they felt. Smooth recoil I thought. I’m not convinced about the pattern, as the outer spreading part is uneven, but a perfectly usable shell. 

I shot about 6 FBlus and the recoil is fine. Not smooth, with a quick “crack” type feel, but not too high. Certainly a cartridge that I don’t think you could go very wrong with especially if they remain decent value. 

My club's just increased the club cartridges (either Velocity+ or English Sporting) to £8 a box, up from £7.50. And I noticed the 20 bores are now £9.50 a box! I might have to start just hurling insults at the clays and see if that breaks them instead.

My club's just increased the club cartridges (either Velocity+ or English Sporting) to £8 a box, up from £7.50. And I noticed the 20 bores are now £9.50 a box! I might have to start just hurling insults at the clays and see if that breaks them instead.
Or buy them by the 1000 and save about £70! I’m sure you can share them around with a few mates. 

Or buy them by the 1000 and save about £70! I’m sure you can share them around with a few mates. 
Fair point Will, and if my maths are correct that equates to £250 per 1000 . However from what I am hearing, he better act quickly because they won't be available at that for much longer.

Fair point Will, and if my maths are correct that equates to £250 per 1000 . However from what I am hearing, he better act quickly because they won't be available at that for much longer.
Sure, but when they are not, the boxes will be £9. It’s nuts not to buy 1000 at a time. 
