Sundays and Bank Holidays should be double time and don't forget the mileage allowance, London weighting perhaps and of course you'll need new guns and clays provided
OK Robert you have got the job! Ian and I will need a good manager/agent to negotiate on our behalf, but we will need to get a bigger grant now so as to cover your salary and associated costs. Do you want a car or car allowance Robert? :.:Sundays and Bank Holidays should be double time and don't forget the mileage allowance, London weighting perhaps and of course you'll need new guns and clays provided
I reckon it's vision of the clay Ian - OT was never intended for northern light levels, more Spain, Portugal, Italy. We can settle this under floodlights at Garlands, probably have no sight of the barrels and you can test your beads. Dogtyred and Son may turn out, pick up some fiocchi as well, maybe home of clothing, some pattern plate. Discuss on Saturday.Well I shot OT on sat in very grey overcast and a sort of general mist in the air. Tried 3 lens's couldnt pick the targets up at all then I also realised that I had no real awareness of were my barrels were in relation to the target (because I use a brass beed as previoulsy stated) if and when I eventually saw it. So ............ after much thought I think its time to try a red front bead again.![]()
I hate messing about with stuff but dont know if its my eyes failing with age and general dicrepidness (yes that is a real word) but me little brass beed doesnt seem to be working in the low light levels of winter.
Obviously got me in mind with that description!, anyway count me in for Garlands. Al.I reckon it's vision of the clay Ian - OT was never intended for northern light levels, more Spain, Portugal, Italy. We can settle this under floodlights at Garlands, probably have no sight of the barrels and you can test your beads. Dogtyred may turn out, pick up some fiocchi as well, maybe home of clothing. Discuss on saturday.
de·crep·i·tude (d -kr p -t d , -ty d ). n. The quality or condition of being weakened, worn out, impaired, or broken down by old age, illness, or hard use
You're right decrepitness: weakened by old age; feeble; infirm: a decrepit man who can hardly walk. 2. worn out by long use; dilapidated
No no no Ian!!!!! We now need to fund the research into WHY it has to be that bloody brass one! It could take at least three years matey, so please put forward a revised cost estimate to the nearest £25K. :lol:Update
tried red one again on sat but nope its not happening whatever the rights and wrongs of bead colour size etc i cant shoot with anything but me little brass one so sorry les and Robert the research and potential funding is shelved until i get another bright idea![]()
We are going to need a budget increase! We did not take snow tyres, warm jumpers and winter coats into account when we first put the costings into place. :money:As soon as i have secured the relevant funding for you, les and i yes were back on![]()
OH and before I forget...refreshments too! Some barrels of Doombar, several cases of Single Malt and whatever Robert is having. not forget the pies! :coldb:good point I will ammend accordingly
Choice of refreshments are ideal for me! :drinks:OH and before I forget...refreshments too! Some barrels of Doombar, several cases of Single Malt and whatever Robert is having. not forget the pies! :coldb: