Recent content by Robden

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  1. R

    Starting back up what gun !?

    I did that with my Isis pad. It felt so comfortable being wider, I too left it whole. Also, I didn't lose any points in comps...for looks.
  2. R

    Rule changes

    My friend uses one, and informs the ref on every stand when shooting in comps.
  3. R

    Rule changes

    Apologies all. I have been misinformed. It does NOT include DTL.
  4. R

    Rule changes

    Also in DTL, guns MUST be unloaded when walking between ALL pegs....not just between 5 and 1.
  5. R

    Rule changes

    This will play havoc with your mental health you know.
  6. R

    Beretta 694 barrel regulation - can it be adjusted?

    I thought that any shotgun barrels, whether o/u or s/s should converge at about 40yds.
  7. R

    Pete Blakeley's patented target evaluation system.

    Maybe we should have a referendum.....Should "bordergun" stay or go?
  8. R

    Tramlines Who?

    But surely your sight picture includes the rib/barrels/front pip, or there would be no reference point in relation to the clay/target, you would just see a clay disc on it's own?
  9. R


    Other peeps I've spoken to, and myself, think that the CG chokes (size v size) have a tighter pattern than most.
  10. R

    Tighter choke for newbies?

    That explains why I'm a crapshot.........I'm colour blind.
  11. R

    Tighter choke for newbies?

    Correct. You must have heard the "Wooooshhh!" as well.
  12. R

    Tighter choke for newbies?

    Well, I had you pegged wrong. I thought there would have been at LEAST ONE..... "But if you read my book!" There you go, a free plug. ;-)
  13. R

    Time for a treat

    Have a look at Mickley Hall website. Good sporting ground, loads of guns to try on their ground. John, Scott or Lara will look after you. I think I've had 8 guns from them over the years. Even had one that had a small problem with, so they lent me a gun whilst mine was being sorted. TBF, it only...
  14. R

    Wanted Wanted: Precision Fit Stock.

    It's for a CG Invictus 1.