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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. X

    Waterproof shooting jacket

    what i tend to do is chuck a skeet jacket over the top of my snagy material wet weather clothes because you're right most half decent wet weather gear is essentially a black bin liner and sticks to everything
  2. X

    armed police

    I too have seen both types of drug of my best friends dad was a heroin addict and he missed much of his child's time growing up as a result of multiple prison sentences.  he came out of prison just as addicted to heroin as when in went into prison purely because its just as easy if...
  3. X

    armed police

    I don't doubt what you are saying as far as budget cuts go in the US but the reality is the police would have far more and better spent time dealing with other crimes and the increased income from taxation would actually reduce the need for budget cuts in the public sectors including the police...
  4. X

    armed police

    arming police is not the answer.   as mentioned above it will only encourage more criminals to arm themselves.       I live in a pretty small coastal town and I know of several drug dealers locally that have been caught with weapons they have acquired purely to cause harm (including...
  5. X

    Insurance Question

    I've never been asked about having insurance at any ground ...that said I've never been asked if I have a SGC either. I think insurance in probably more to cover you than the ground because they will have their own insurance for sure  In fact when i first got into shooting me and a friend went...
  6. X


    you have a point...... a gentleman/lady cannot self proclaim that is for his/her peers to decide and most of those people are the unsung heroes of society 
  7. X


    I'm not sure its going to be easier.......but its certainly not going to be acceptable for the grandchild you're knitting the Christmas jumper for if the arm falls off because you missed a few stitches and the disappointed look on that child's face on Christmas day might make you see the error...
  8. X


    cheating is cheating and should not be acceptable in any form or in any sport......not only is it unfair to the people competing its also attempting to fool yourself into thinking you're better at something than you actually are and if you feel the need to cheat then that sport clearly isn't for...
  9. X

    How’s this for a photo!!!

    I got that one that's not my bald head although I'm not far behind him. I took my dad out shooting for fathers day last year was the first time he shot a shotgun and he did bloody well too. unfortunately I think he missed that one. but was quite impressed i managed to get the shot and the clay...
  10. X

    Read this you champagne popping clay shooters !

    She added: “What we need is a licence for every gun, with the fee set at £200 and renewable every two years “If shooters can spend £1,000 for a day’s shooting and champagne they can certainly afford to pay more to licence their guns.” put simply she is a clueless bumble f**k.
  11. X

    ips does reloading

    just outta curiosity how long does it take to do say 100 carts? and whats the relative saving against something like hull superfast?  
  12. X

    Shooting Grounds, Clubs & Shops in UK,-0.7226342,10z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x1edf9fd1c6cf11e1!8m2!3d51.0268921!4d-0.6255166 Rakers near petworth .....pretty decent gun shop. staff are always helpful
  13. X

    Errr that shouldn't be there

    yeah i've done some dumb sh*t in my time.....but this wont be one of em . how easy is it to pull the brass away from the lead without accidentally kinking the primer/rim and setting it off in my hand?....... i'm not perceptually familiar with any firearms ammo and rim fire has always seemed a...
  14. X

    Errr that shouldn't be there

    So I was at work today searching through some milling cutters trying to find one the right size and in one of the cases i found this (see pic).   Its a live .22 rimfire bullet Its among some old stock that we got when we took over another company. Now to my knowledge no one who i currently work...
  15. X

    Wrong Gun?

    if it feels right then its probably right... if it feels wrong then its probably wrong.. gun fit is such a personal thing and dimensions from two people with exactly the same height and build will differ greatly.  I'd ignore the guy and get some lessons from a decent coach and ask them the...