Insurance Question

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Sep 13, 2019
Another question, may be obvious but cannot find a difinitive answer.

Do you need insurance to go to clay grounds and shoot? 

I have been looking into it and looks like CPSA is the way to go but is this a 'nice to have' so to say or is it a crucial element to the sport and grounds will check this prior to you being able to shoot?

I've never been asked about having insurance at any ground ...that said I've never been asked if I have a SGC either. I think insurance in probably more to cover you than the ground because they will have their own insurance for sure 

In fact when i first got into shooting me and a friend went to a clay ground that shall remain nameless just to check it out . we had no intention of shooting so we didn't take our guns....we rocked up and made a few enquires and ended up borrowing a gun each from the shop on the ground and buying cartridges and shooting a round of sporting and not once were we asked for our certificates .....we thought it was really strange we could have been any tom,dick or harry and easily done a runner with the guns

so to answer you question its not essential but its defiantly recommended. I'm sure you are sensible but accidents do occur we're all human after all which is why safety is so important and needs drumming into any shooter

also if you want to shoot competition then you will have to join the CPSA or which ever body you wish to compete in and you will get insurance through them anyway....but even if you don't shoot comp then its worth having IMO

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You don’t need any insurance ...  that’s until the day you need it because you find yourself on the wrong end of a liability court case . It’s actually not expensive and if you just want shooting insurance  rather than a membership you can buy actually buy it independently from joining CPSA or BASC . Having said that I think we should support our 2 main shooting organisations . They are not perfect , but at least  they can offer a little more than just an insurance policy . The policy with either organisation generally covers all shooting ,  clays , game , shotguns, rifle , air guns even fishing and archery , assuming you are partaking in a legal activity . 

The consequence of a negligent discharge is too great a risk not to be insured .  

Thanks for clearing this up i guess it is a gray area but always better to be safe than sorry!


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