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  1. Chris Bubb

    Southdown SE Inter Counties 5/6 Apr

    Hamster, Look on the CPSA website and choose rankings from the left hand column, then choose sporting and your chosen county from the grid it shows.
  2. Chris Bubb

    It's back! ShootClay Squares for the Essex Masters...

    39 & 49 please Matt, payment sent.
  3. Chris Bubb


    D Class, J Cornall 71, J Baker 68, H Lovatt 68, L Waters 68.
  4. Chris Bubb


    A Cork 92, P Batchelor 84, C Biddlecombe 84.     B,    R Evans 84, D Evans 83, A Johnson 82,   C.   N Portlock 83, R Ward 80. C Denham78, R Webb 78.
  5. Chris Bubb

    Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

    I had forgot about the inter county, that was another tough one. Good luck Sunday I will see you somewhere soon,
  6. Chris Bubb

    Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

    Mark, I don't know where you got the idea that I don't like hard targets. If you read what I said, If Steve were to put on 2 or 3 shoots in a row of this severity he would lose entries. That's what I said nothing to do with how I felt about the shoot. And looking at what a couple of people have...
  7. Chris Bubb

    Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

    Mark, your a very funny man.
  8. Chris Bubb

    Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

    To be honest Steve I shot quite well, it was just a 1x10 and a 2x8 that ruined a decent card. Hope to do better on Sunday at W.W.
  9. Chris Bubb

    Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

    Steve, I am sure that is what I said, :nyam:
  10. Chris Bubb

    Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

    Just for the record I am not advocating that targets should be dumbed down,I have shot some of my best scores at Westfield. Its just my opinion of what ground owners have to do.
  11. Chris Bubb

    Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

    Perhaps that is Why FITASC is getting popular, because ground owners can set challenging targets without having to cater for the high number of entries they get in sporting.
  12. Chris Bubb

    Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

    Will, Without doubt your right, a true average has got to be spread across all aspects of the game.
  13. Chris Bubb

    Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

    I cant argue with a thing you say Clynt, But not everybody has the same outlook as yourself. I have no idea what the percentage breakdown is, but there is a lot of people who come out on a sunday to break clay's, and any shoot has got to cater for the majority to make any profit.
  14. Chris Bubb

    Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

    It's all very well people saying what a great shoot it was,But for a lot of entrant's who come to hit as many clay's as they can, you can guarantee after two or three weeks of having there scores plummet they are going to go elsewhere.We all know how passionate Steve is about his targets, but he...
  15. Chris Bubb


    I have 8 Muller chokes, some bought new, some s/h, one of the s/h ones I bought split after some use. I spoke to Nicky T and he replaced it  FOC. He didn't have to do anything but he believes in this product. The U2s I have,have had about 25,000 through them and still look as good as new. So I...
  16. Chris Bubb

    Dubai Tournament

    Thanks, The scorecard I looked at hadn't updated.
  17. Chris Bubb

    Dubai Tournament

    Does anybody know why Chris Biddlecome has got a zero on one layout but still finished on 137?
  18. Chris Bubb

    Dubai Tournament

    Keep it going Fletch, you have still got the bragging rights for when you get back. Perhaps they should make Wiltshire an alcohol free county. P.S.dont forget my present.
  19. Chris Bubb

    Longridge 100ESP Sunday 2nd March

    Jason, everyone I shot with took them as crosser's made it a simple pair of 20yrd simos.
  20. Chris Bubb

    Addicted to skeet

    Depends how many it was out of Will.