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  1. T

    Picked up my beretta 686s today

    Thanks for setting me straight :-) Enjoy shooting it
  2. T

    Picked up my beretta 686s today

    I'll start by saying I know next to nothing about shotguns, I'm a novice and have shot fewer than 400 cartridges, and I certainly don't want to spoil your excitement and enjoyment. But, to my untrained eye, it looks as if you can see a couple of small cracks in the wood in the 3rd photo. Are...
  3. T

    Hello from South Oxon.

    Thanks for all the welcomes. I still haven't, after 2+ weeks, had a reply from four counties. (sue****[email protected]) Does anyone know if it is still active please. Thanks again, Martyn.
  4. T

    Hello from South Oxon.

    Cheers Dave.Excellent info.
  5. T

    Hello from South Oxon.

    Thanks. I have emailed four counties but as yet I have not had a reply. Happy Valley is on my hit list, I work shifts and I'm working this weekend. It will probably be easier for me to shoot weekdays as a rule. I'm near Didcot.
  6. T

    Hello from South Oxon.

    Thanks Will. Good advice.
  7. T

    Hello from South Oxon.

    Thanksfor the welcome. Will - had a look at EJC, I don't think I'm their target client if I'm honest, perhaps if I win the lottery, seems a tad 'posh' for me, I'd be happy to find out I'm wrong though. Tony - I hadn't thought of heading south for some reason, it's only 40 mins from here so I...
  8. T

    Hello from South Oxon.

    Hi, everyone. Martyn, 54 yrs, absolute novice. I've had a try a shoot at the Oxford gun company and a lesson at the Oxfordshire shooting school (thanks Billy). Just bought a new (secondhand) shotgun and feeling really keen and excited at the prospect of participating in the sport. Also...