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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. bostonmick

    New Dt11 carbon fibre

    Just to go slightly back to the topic.i have looked at a dt11 black and found it very different in handling to the standard feels lighter and was extremely well balanced.i have not used one in anger yet but based on my thoughts there will be one added to my cabinet very 30inch...
  2. bostonmick

    692 vs mk38 grade 5

    gun fit is most important,you can go for whichever make you like or believe to be the most reliable but if it does not fit then you might as well throw stones at the clays.i have read a few posts on the 692 having a few niggles and this seems to have dammed the whole range of beretta guns.all...
  3. bostonmick


    will be there,just watch the track into the ground I was there last weekend and there are some very large potholes.
  4. bostonmick

    Bad service

    I would not buy a gun that had a known fault regardless of make.I would also not expect any dealer to sell one. I have dealt with potters over the years and always found them very good.As for the timescale gmk get blamed for taking weeks to turn repairs around but do we always know that the...
  5. bostonmick

    Renewal question - first timer....

    I would either write to them requesting a sect7 or email as a phone call is not worth the paper it is written sure if there was any problems the police would deny telling you it was ok.
  6. bostonmick

    Beretta DT10

    I shoot 687 eell and about two years ago bought a dt10 32 inch sporter.had it six months and could not hit a thing so it went.i then bought a 30 inch sporter about six months later and it is fantastic.feels great and my hit rate has vastly my opinion they are a fantastic gun.i would...
  7. bostonmick

    How Often Do You Shoot?

    Most weeks I manage to get out three times I like to shoot a minimum of 100 each outing but hopefully 150
  8. bostonmick

    Another gun related tragedy

    the worst part of all this is it will go down as another death with a for the anti brigade
  9. bostonmick

    Trap gun advise!

    If your are just going to do trap on a casual basis why bother buying a trap gun.I would use a sporter unless you find you want to get into it in a serious way.although I know plenty that shoot all disciplines with trap guns once you know your gun you should be able to use it for all clays. Atb
  10. bostonmick

    Merry Christmas !

    A happy and safe Christmas to you all.and a beretta new year.
  11. bostonmick

    Classifications are on CPSA

    He started shooting five years ago.he only shoots with me so I know his scores are true.he did contact them and they said yes there was an error. It just seems beyond them to correct it.
  12. bostonmick

    Classifications are on CPSA

    A shooting mate of mine does about six registered sporting a year never got above 67/100 yet again for the fourth year running finds himself in A.obviously cpsa pay attention to detail. ;)
  13. bostonmick

    Home Office proposals and survey - BASC

    I have no problem paying a decent price for a decent service.however I fail to see that the increase being proposed is going to do any good as far as service levels go.
  14. bostonmick

    Any opinions on new gun please. 725 vs 692

    I am beretta through and through I have looked at loads of 692s and have never bought one because of the poor looking wood.but I have to say if I had seen one like yours I would definitely have one in the cabinet.a lovely looking gun have fun with it.
  15. bostonmick

    Vintage Weekly - Release Triggers

    My understanding of release triggers is that you would face the shooting direction of the first bird with trigger pulled call for the bird then release upon which the trigger is now the same as a normal trigger then you turn to shoot your second no time would the gun be pointing in the...
  16. bostonmick

    Any opinions on new gun please. 725 vs 692

    I have always found browning a different fit to make sure before you buy.just my opinion
  17. bostonmick

    New Member - Surrey

    welcome to the best forum on the net.have fun.
  18. bostonmick

    Hi all I'm Scott from Northampton.

    hello scott,welcome and and all the best enjoy your posting.
  19. bostonmick

    CPSA Confidentiality.

    Can't see a problem myself. And how would you get classification for registered shoots on the day.the only information I can see is available is class and county.