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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. H

    Gossip S.Counties close on Jan 4th 2015?

    So on the subject of the karting is that going also? How about the shop (sportsman?)
  2. H

    3 entry prices at Horne today.

    Why would you want scores submitted but not enter the comp???
  3. H

    Trap gun advise!
  4. H

    Trap gun advise!

    all irrelevant unless it fits.............. but easier IIRC to make a beretta fit....
  5. H

    Trap gun advise!

    Trust me that trip will change your shooting for ever...........RIng in advance speak to Dennis explain what you are after and take your current gun with you......
  6. H

    Trap gun advise!
  7. H

    "Chokes" question ....

    Look like Rhino, certainly not teague....
  8. H

    Trap gun advise!

    You'll get an MK38/3800 well in budget, Coleys have a shop and ground on site, Gun shop Rugby have a ground down the road (Barby sporting but no DTL but Rugby and district Trap isnt far away, Garlands not sure what they have on site shop wise. Doveridge ? I bought a 3800 for a good price but...
  9. H

    New Toy

    If you have the adjustable trigger there are different blades available easy to change....
  10. H

    Safe Storage of Cartridges

    drain cover would have been stright down to the scrappie!
  11. H

    New Toy

    Dealers don't always secs them to Belgium they get done here by gunsmiths too... Often ending up as none matched pairs....
  12. H


    Well it's not like there was any other legacy.... Unless you count a gold postbox.....
  13. H

    Used gun resale

    And oddly were cheaper when Fawcetts distributed them....... Caesar Guerini got it right (I dont like the guns) but every week at the shooting ground there is another one....... I don't think anyone has shot better since owning them but they do like them. Not seen anyone turn up with a Zoli yet....
  14. H

    Starting a Clay Shoot - advice.

    True but Compak/5 Stand/ Sportrap  aint ESP IF you only have 5 traps you might as well set upa skeet layout with a DTL bin and put a rabbit/teal behind the high house and an incomer..........  That way you have a chance of attracting everyone...... (with mobile skeet towers you can mix it up.....)
  15. H

    Noise complainers

    I has at least a chance of being aired in parliament,one for clay grounds never would so all we need is precedent for a sports venue that was existing to win out over a noise complaint. Donnington had major issues with this.
  16. H

    Essevierre stock

    Shame you cant get an evo comp for an MK (yet)  My 3800 may have an essevierre stock (short tang) according to "the man" the chequering looks like theirs,  shame it doesn't fit me well enough... torn between trying to get it adjusted and buying a different gun... There is a big long thread...
  17. H

    Starting a Clay Shoot - advice.

    I have been to a shoot with manual trappers, good fun...  Starting off with ESP you need lots of traps, you can have quite a nice ground with 4 traps but not ESP.....ABT/DTL/Skeet layout with 4 traps thats 2/3 stands at sporting....... whats a decent auto trap cost? used? £1k?  realistically...
  18. H

    Shooting with both eyes open

    Off which fricking shoulder?
  19. H

    Used gun resale

    Brook bank are a lot cheaper than Braces in Bristol...... SLab at brookbank was£45 Slab at braces was £69! I do not believe there margin on new guns is <5% nor on cartridges. Volume discounts will apply plus possibly generous rebates or target based bonuses.  I have no issue with retailers...
  20. H

    Shooting with both eyes open

    Shoot left handed if left eye dominant.........shoot right handed if right eye dominant (or centre dominant and right handed)