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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Andy S

    12th / 13th October...scores on the doors for everyone?

    Was going to Gunsite today but I woke up with a sore throat and blocked nose so decided against spending an 1 or so out in the rain, watched the F1 and MotoGP tucked up indoors, with the Beechams All In One.
  2. Andy S

    12th / 13th October...scores on the doors for everyone?

    60 Double Rise at Owls Lodge this morning, managed a 35 which isn't to bad considering its the first time that I have shot this.Need to work out how best to shoot peg 4 & 5 though.
  3. Andy S

    Proxy Vote Attendee Needed for Ex AGM

    Didn't receive Pull mag this month, so phoned the CPSA yesterday lunchtime and they sent out a copy and the form which I have received today. COmpleted and returned.
  4. Andy S

    Who's where this Sunday? - 2013 (Sporting version)

    Wear Waterproofs that you can shot in comfortably. As for the shooting well..............Get you hold points correct, look points correct and See It Shoot it :hunter:
  5. Andy S

    Just for Nerds

    Have a read.
  6. Andy S

    Trigger Pull Weight

    From the Alan Rhones Krieghoff web site for the K80; Trigger Single selective mechanical trigger, adjustable for finger length. Trigger pull: Approximately 3.3/4 to 4lbs. Optional Release Trigger available
  7. Andy S

    How has everyone got on Oct 5th / 6th?

    DTL at Bisley this weekend, meet up with Shootclay admin for the Saturday reg I shot a 92 - 270 and on Sunday reg I shot a 93 - 268 for 3rd in C class.  Good consisitant shooting this weekend.
  8. Andy S

    Shooting Glasses ....?

    So was my comment regarding your spelling .
  9. Andy S

    Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

    Bright Yellow with a big  KEEP CLEAR sign on your back... :nyam: :haha: :haha: Problem is you would hit the barn and dust it and say "Where did that go????" like that rabbit at Owls .
  10. Andy S

    Isis Green Pad 23mm Surefit

    Ahhh will that be one of those curved pads then? Apparently they do fit, I think some one on here has fitted an Isis to the curved stock, I haven't as I've always cut them straight to suit my LOP
  11. Andy S

    Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

    Being let down by Sub-contractors when given a start date to undertake modifications, as I'm the one that has to deal with an irate client who is threating alsorts of reprecussions should the item which should have been changed tomorrow cause them to lose power  and business in the interim until...
  12. Andy S

    Isis Green Pad 23mm Surefit

    Toby What length is your current pad? as this will dicate how much you will need to shorten the stock by if the 23mm one is longer. lets assume your current pad is 17mm long and you fit a 23mm one then the lOP will have increased by 6mm. so to acheive a LOP the same as standard the stock will...
  13. Andy S

    Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

    Yes it the new CPSA safety ruling, different colurs will be available depending upon your grade:- Unclassified will be bright Yellow, C class will be White, B Class will be Blue, A Class will be Red and AA -AAA Class will be Black. :nyam: :nyam:
  14. Andy S

    Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

    Well you could always try this...
  15. Andy S

    Shooting Glasses ....?

    Is that Architects language for Perazzi
  16. Andy S

    DTL question

    This would be a call by the ref. When you shoot or ref a lot you get a knowledge of what is a legal target. Although a shooter can question the decision of whether it was a no bird or not by raising their gun or hand if they had shoot at it. The ref would then revue the situation.
  17. Andy S

    News article about George Digweed

    This bit says it all really: “I’m not saying there’s been one big mistake, but sport is a great leveller. You have to learn from things you’ve done in the past and not make those mistakes again. “You need to be able to admit that you’ve done something wrong. You’ve got to be as honest with...
  18. Andy S

    Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

    The number of them that get in the way when I'm riding on the path is unbelievable :o :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  19. Andy S

    Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

     No one has paid Road tax from at least 1926 when Winston Churchill killed it of. Have a read....
  20. Andy S

    Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

    Hey you lot I'm one of these aswell, blimey I can see myself going off a lot of the members on here!!!! To be fair though it is normally only myself and the wife out cycling and we only ride 2 abreast when it is safe to do so. We don't have nitrogen filled tyres just ordinary air from the track...