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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Andy S

    Aftermarket firing pins for Brownings

    Fitted JNP springs to mine and my wifes 3 Brownings and MK3800, The hammer springs are a bit longer than the Brownings and are quite fun to fit, had to retrieve one from the hallway after it piunged out. Use a cotton bud to clean out the firing pin holes as there is a surprising amount of crap...
  2. Andy S

    First 100 DTL

    Well done. my best is only 96 in competition.
  3. Andy S

    Westfield 120 Reg Sporting - Sunday 22nd March

    Steve Does this apply to Weston Wood aswell?
  4. Andy S

    Circuit Bag

    I have one of these from Top Gun, holds 200 cartridges insulated drinks bottle holder and assorted pockets not to bad value at £35.00 I also have one of these, not the gambore one but the...
  5. Andy S

    Ideas for gun cabinet surround?

    You can buy gun cabinets as furniture.
  6. Andy S

    Rapid Prototyped Pitch Spacer

    Something like this?
  7. Andy S


    Thats a couple of new handbags then!
  8. Andy S

    New Shooting Ground Somerset

    Good Luck with your new ground Don.
  9. Andy S


    Really enjoyed this today and shot a pb of 70 so pretty pleased with that.
  10. Andy S

    Miroku 7000 tr1 pad options and extended chokes?

    Jimbob, I have a Kickeez trap pad you can have, it was fitted to my Browning Ultra XTR when I brought it and changed it for a ISIS pad, personally prefer ISIS to Kickeez. It measures, approx, length 130mm, 40mm across the top mounting hole and 38mm across the bottom hole and is around 30mm...
  11. Andy S

    Miroku 7000 tr1 pad options and extended chokes?

    Isis Green Pad or go for the X Pad.
  12. Andy S

    Question about MSA Sordin electronic ear muffs

    As Will said really, I upgraded mine and the wifes ages ago, on Will's recommendation, they are so much more comfortable to wear with the gel pads.
  13. Andy S

    New PB at DTL Today

    Your right there Ian. John, you should find a place that does DTL it's a simple game really the bird doesn't fly very fast, around 43 mph and only goes 50 - 55 yards, however to win you need them 3 point kills as a barrel (2 points) or a loss (0 points) can put you down the leader board real quick.
  14. Andy S

    New PB at DTL Today

    Managed to win C class at Bisley Gun Club today on a dull grey day with a score of 96-282 which is a new PB for me. Should have been at least one more as when I got onto peg 4 ( I started on peg 1) I hit the first bird out then started to think "I'm on for a 98 today" then I promptly missed a...
  15. Andy S

    Gunsite 100 sporting reg results 9/11/14

    There was 11 stands on yesterday. Me and Hazel were entry No 94 & 95 when we booked on around 11:20. We even had a break for a cuppa to warm up as the sun hid behind the clouds and it went very cold. There were stil quite a few out shooting when we went out to shoot the last 2 stands.
  16. Andy S

    Iconic picture

    Barry Sheene: Randy Mamola:
  17. Andy S

    Retro porsche

    That past me last week on the M3 in the morning.
  18. Andy S

    First UT 25

    Well done John.
  19. Andy S

    DTL everywhere! But where to shoot?

     Luke is only a Junior aswell!! 2nd in C also went to another Junior aswell somewhere in the mid 270's
  20. Andy S

    DTL everywhere! But where to shoot?

    From memory, C was 99 - 286, I think I know the 99 is correct though.  My 91 - 261 was joint 7th in C