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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Andy S

    I Might Be Shooting Less In the Near Future

    Well found out this afternoon that my position is being considered for redundancy, mainly due to recent contact losses and ones that are also near the end of their contract period. The directors are reveiwing the departmental structure, we have a head of department, me as the servie manager and...
  2. Andy S


    525 Black Gold:
  3. Andy S


    I quite like black action guns, one of my 2 Brownings is, I post a pic when I get home, now if my trap gun was also in black......
  4. Andy S

    Barrel Weights for Browning (525) GP Sporter

    Found these in a quick search, I have no experience of ordering from them though!!
  5. Andy S

    8 / 9 Feb - where are you getting wet this weekend?

    Owls Lodge for me as reported on in something new. For the double rise it was wind rain and hail, so a crap 25 ex 60 but the UT was undercover and had stopped raining so a much bettger 41 ex 50. Quite a few from here were getting wet today there.
  6. Andy S

    Something New?

    Cheers Jay. I've shot a lot of DTL, which is all about having a consistant routine which I applied today.
  7. Andy S

    Something New?

    Well having tried  Something New, UT, I have to say I think I will be shooting this some more.
  8. Andy S

    Something New?

    Ian Just for you, We had the double rise first, tis was a 60 bird comp, which when we shot it, Jay was also in my squad, it was blowing a gale and to make matters worse we had rain and then Hail stones, it was that bad that the targets were being blown all over, and it was blowing the barrels...
  9. Andy S

    Something New?

     Thats great thanks Jay
  10. Andy S

    Something New?

    Ian, I understand now forgot the bit about the target crosing in front of peg 3. I will catch up with Nic before hand in any case. I will report back on how much fun or not was had.
  11. Andy S

    Something New?

    Ian, I have a look in the UT trap section. So for the hold point you use a single one for a 5 pegs? I have shoot DR once before managed over 50 % so was happy with that.
  12. Andy S

    Something New?

    Well at least the UT is under cover ..
  13. Andy S

    Something New?

    I'm booked on at Owls for the Double rise at 12:00  and 13:00 for the UT so I will be there around 10;00 for a spot of Breakfast and as I have never shoot UT I going to guess at some of the hold points ..
  14. Andy S

    1 / 2 Feb....what weekend shenanigans are you all up to?

    Despite shooting DTL very badly, 86 246, I managed 3rd in C class at Bisley :biggrin:
  15. Andy S

    1 / 2 Feb....what weekend shenanigans are you all up to?

    DTL at Bisley Gun Club tomorrow
  16. Andy S

    who is doing what this season

    Ian, I'm considering the Krieghoff, just need to see how the funds pan out.
  17. Andy S

    who is doing what this season

    I'm going to try ABT, UT, OT alongside the DTL undecided about shooting major comps at the moment.
  18. Andy S

    Monthly contact lenses.

    Hi Ken, I use contact lenses, a biweekly astigmatism lenses, which I only wear during the day and remove, clean and store overnight. I replace these every 2 weeks, although the manufacturers also state that they can be worn continuosly but have to be replaced on a weekly rather than a...