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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Andy S

    Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

    Coming into work in the morning only to find that you cannot get into the most important server, as our local pc can't see it. This appears to happem most mornings.
  2. Andy S

    Best 28gram Mid Range Cartridge

    Blue Ones
  3. Andy S

    Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

    Hey I got one of those!!! However it will not be displayed on my jacket, its got pride of place in the display cabinet at home :biggrin: :biggrin:
  4. Andy S

    First Ever Medal At DTL

    Yep me and Hazel will be there, we normally get there around lunchtime this allows us a bit of time in the morning, it is informal on Saturdays we can shoot at any time, registered comp shooters take priority over practise shooters. If earlier suits you better, say 10:30ish there is a very good...
  5. Andy S

    Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

    Shooters that can't shoot very well and blame it on anything other than their own lack of ability.
  6. Andy S

    First Ever Medal At DTL

    Thanks Matt, Next Saturday 5th October at Bisley Gun Club
  7. Andy S

    DTL question

    From CPSA Booklet Number 7 Technical Rules: TARGET HEIGHT 1.42 At a distance of 9.14m (10yd) from the trap, a regular target shall attain a height of 2.44m (2.66yd) to 3.05m (3.33yd). To ensure the correct elevation, a 2.44m (2.66yd) pole with a hoop 61cm (24in) diameter attached to the top...
  8. Andy S

    First Ever Medal At DTL

    Les & Ian, You both be ok on this forum as its trap based and you were sort off talking about trap, strangely enough not many use a semi at DTL................ :haha:
  9. Andy S

    First Ever Medal At DTL

    Thanks Guys. My Bronze medal
  10. Andy S

    Daniels and Wood

    Looks really good, shame I've already got a leather pouch for my shooting needs.
  11. Andy S

    First Ever Medal At DTL

    Thanks Guys
  12. Andy S

    First Ever Medal At DTL

    Thanks Nic. Fiocchi Fblu 7.5 28g Just saying not to many chippy breaks with them
  13. Andy S

    First Ever Medal At DTL

    Well must say I'm really chuffed to bits as I came 3rd in C class at the Bisley 200, a 200 bird comp shoot over 2 days, as 2 seperate 100 bird comps and to be in with a chance you had to shoot both days, there was a high gun prize of a semi auto shot gun. Yesterday I managed a 91 - 264 and...
  14. Andy S

    Eye dominance best solution

    Did you only use a small piece of tape on the left lens? I'm asking because I did the same but then found I could still miss a left hand trap bird, I would shoot behind it because the clay had past the end of the opaque tape as I was moving the gun and fooled me into thinking I was on the clay...
  15. Andy S

    My first Registered Shoot- Beverley

    I was pleased today as the other week I couldn't hit the preverbable barn door!!! I had alowly 77 22something or other. I knew something was not quite right but couldn't work out what. The found out later when cleaning the gun that I had put the spacers for the comb height in the wrong way round...
  16. Andy S

    My first Registered Shoot- Beverley

    Nice one Rich, I too shot DTL today at Bisley Gun Club but I'm the opposite to you I know how many points I got but didn't see the amount of hits. It was 264 ex 300 and I came joint 4th in C class.
  17. Andy S

    A story to warm the cockles...

    Nice one, glad you are getting the Gamba sorted out and even better that you have a loan gun for the weekend good on the ground owner. :hunter: :hunter:
  18. Andy S

    Big Teal

    Well done Chris and Richard.
  19. Andy S

    AE Clarkes Gun shop in Camberley Closed?

  20. Andy S

    Big Teal

    Mind you Tony we will keep quiet about our % hit to shell rates though :hunter: :pilot: I would also like to point out that Hazel was using Hull 21g 7.5 through 1/4 and 3/4 choke.