Big Teal

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No it isn't, it did happen but it's more luck than anything. Ballistics say to even hit it takes enormous luck, to break it takes even more luck. If you set up a clay at 145 yards and spent a day firing no 3 shot at it you will eventually luck into a break but I wouldn't call you a world record breaker because of it.
have read this with much interest now as you know i don't know anything about sporting and have never shot anything at longer than trap range but if people say they have done it and measured it then i am sure they would not lie about it however i believe hammy has hit the proverbial on the head as it sounds good luck rather than good management as the pattern must be none existent at that range.

Now it the clays........ah hahaha ....I just can't get my breath .....!

Ian just flogs them why ask him....ah haha ...he will believe what the manufacturers say.......Chondellllllllllllllllll........ah hahaha

Put a drop more water in it Will for goodness sake.
Oddly, I was in fact sober at that time on a Friday night. :) What I was cryptically trying to say was that we should take this long distance stuff with a definite sense of fun. As Hammy says, it's all right on the edge and a bit of a laugh at best. Otherwise we will be starting threads such as 'best barrel cam with 8x zoom' . There is a reason why they only stick telescopic sights on rifles.

It is well past the edge Will, how anyone can fail to understand the sheer loony aspects of this sort of thing is beyond me. Even the most basic grasp of shotgun ballistics will tell you at those kind of ranges it is almost nothing to do with a persons accuracy. If accuracy had that much to do with it then Ian's experiment would have produced at least a 50% success rate.

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Ninjas shoot with The Force.....True Story....!

Glad to hear you are sober on a Friday Will....good man..!

Ninjas shoot with The Force.....True Story....!

Glad to hear you are sober on a Friday Will....good man..!
It's a bit rare..especially in my village.. Saturdays are usually more sober. Got that shooting thing on Sundays, which is a struggle with a thick head.. :)

Well, I had a go at the big teal at Wylye today.  I didn't start at 100 yards because we didn't know where the marker was.  Me, Andy and Hazel shot it from approximately 85 yards. 

It seemed appropriate, as per this thread, to approach this issue with a technical brain and oodles of ballistics mathematics, so with this in mind, I put the shells in my baby, threw her to my shoulder, and calmly called "Puulll".

I lost count of hits after 5, and Andy and Hazel hit a couple too.

I retired today as big teal champion.

Well, I had a go at the big teal at Wylye today.  I didn't start at 100 yards because we didn't know where the marker was.  Me, Andy and Hazel shot it from approximately 85 yards. 

It seemed appropriate, as per this thread, to approach this issue with a technical brain and oodles of ballistics mathematics, so with this in mind, I put the shells in my baby, threw her to my shoulder, and calmly called "Puulll".

I lost count of hits after 5, and Andy and Hazel hit a couple too.

I retired today as big teal champion.
See!  It's easy!

Going back to the padded cell now.  :biggrin:

See!  It's easy!

Going back to the padded cell now.  :biggrin:
Did I mention I had quarter/quarter and used 28g 7.5 Eley Olympics?  :hunter:   :biggrin:

(of course, I took into account wind speed, shot speed, my bad toes, shot drop, pellet spread, my bad toes, a gash on my forehead where Hazel threw a clay at me...)

Did I mention I had quarter/quarter and used 28g 7.5 Eley Olympics?  :hunter:   :biggrin:

(of course, I took into account wind speed, shot speed, my bad toes, shot drop, pellet spread, my bad toes, a gash on my forehead where Hazel threw a clay at me...)
Tee, me old mate you forgot the most important part, when you hit the pair on report you were using the best cartridge Fiocchi FBlu 28g 7.5........ True Story that one, as he had to borrow a box of shells from me, as due to the bad toes, gash on his head the walk to and from the car would have been to much.

That made me laugh, Andy!  You're right, the F word worked as well!  True story...  :biggrin:

( has been said by an F word ambassador on numerous occasions, it had to be put in the right place...!!)  :hunter:   

Mind you Tony we will keep quiet about our % hit to shell rates though :hunter: :pilot:

I would also like to point out that Hazel was using Hull 21g 7.5 through 1/4 and 3/4 choke.

Eat your heart out Viscont...

131.5 yds just done at Owls Lodge in a slight breeze pushing from shooter to trap. Teal was directly up. So Pythagaros fans can work out what the real distance was....which will be more than 131.5...!!

It was hit by Chris Pratt first....then hit by Richard Faulds.......and I watched it alll

Picture coming soon.

Well done Chris and Richard....!!

P.s. Chris shot it with 1/2 choke in a 30" DTL10 sporter....and he is an England Olympic Skeet shooter.

Richard shot with a Caesar Guerini game gun 30" barrels full choke.

Both used Express Supreme 32grn 5's.

.....just saying....true story...!

P.p.s. I had a go but was 'no where near it'....!!......true story...!!

No it isn't, it did happen but it's more luck than anything. Ballistics say to even hit it takes enormous luck, to break it takes even more luck. If you set up a clay at 145 yards and spent a day firing no 3 shot at it you will eventually luck into a break but I wouldn't call you a world record breaker because of it.
No it isn't, it did happen but it's more luck than anything. Ballistics say to even hit it takes enormous luck, to break it takes even more luck. If you set up a clay at 145 yards and spent a day firing no 3 shot at it you will eventually luck into a break but I wouldn't call you a world record breaker because of it.

Some things are so good they're worth saying twice. Repeatability is what it's all about, when anybody fancies betting on himself hitting 8x10 at will it means it's more about skill than luck, until then keep calm and be lucky.

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I have to say that i agree with hammy. Impressive it may be but as hammy says it has to have an element of luck as the pattern at that distance must be none existent.

Still impressive shooting but how many goes do you get / need and can it be replicated a few times over.

Of course it's lucky at that distance the pattern is pretty much non existant....that's undeniable!!! Pretty sure the original post was stating that it is impossible....we just wanted to prove it wasn't! I can't see anyone hitting it with any consistency at that range.....however that doesnt mean it can't be done and I take my hat of to anyone who can!
