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  1. M


    excellent, thank you very much :)
  2. M


    As i am looking to buy a gun soon i was wondering if it would be worth having a few lessons to get started. I live in North Dorset, so would anyone be able to recommend anywhere ? cheers
  3. M


    great thanks :)
  4. M


    Ah right okay, much appreciated :)
  5. M


    Hi guys, i'm after some advice regarding gun licenses. As i am 16 i can not legally keep my own shotgun. So can i apply for a licence under my name and keep it at a relatives who has a full licence? cheers Marcus
  6. M

    Hello From Dorset!

    well i'm off shooting with my uncle next sunday hopefully, he says he is going to teach me as he has been shooting pretty much all his life, cant wait! 
  7. M

    Hello From Dorset!

    yea good idea, looking at the browning b325/425 aswell, seem a bit cheaper than the beretta second hand :)
  8. M

    Beretta Silver Pigeon 1

    cheers guys, much appreciated :)
  9. M

    Beretta Silver Pigeon 1

    cheers guys, thanks for the advice!
  10. M

    Beretta Silver Pigeon 1

    Hi guys I am looking to buy my first shotgun for shooting clays. I was looking a a second hand Baretta Silver Pigeon 1. I am not sure if i should get a 20bore or a 16. Is the Baretta a good gun, your thoughts? Are there any others that you would recommend, i have a budget of about £900 and i am...
  11. M

    Hello From Dorset!

    cheers for the welcome guys!
  12. M

    Hello From Dorset!

    cheers guys !
  13. M

    Hello From Dorset!

    Hi there, new to the forum, looking to buy my first shotgun, preferably for clays. looking at the baretta silver pigeon 1 20bore. Im 16 years of age and this would be my first shotgun.  Any advice that would be much appreciated ! 