Well done!Well I shot Abbey clay shoot at Detling this morning, And I'll be honest it was hard! conditions were very misty and gusty, then I got to a stand and I was talking to an a well known old feller from this way Colin and he said watch these as we did they were all over the place one second way above the tree line next well below, looking at it i thought I'd be lucky to half it, In i step 8/8 I couldn't believe it! well I got round quickly so went to the hut to check scores, none in so i put mine in thinking it's a starting point and left!
Popped up to JJ's and had an ok round 54/80 I think! so checked the time and thought I have time I can improve on that, round again this time 68/80 second on the board behind a 69 left it at that packed up and waited right at the knockings in goes another 68.
into a shoot of,f well a stand I cleared 12/12 previously It shouldn't have happened but it did I dropped 3!
so 3rd it was to be!
So go visit the old man as he's quite ill get home think i'll just see what was what at Abbey and I'm chuffed that I also finished 3rd there also
not a bad day all in all
Ps. the arms are aching!!!
Sibaldib and I spoke to a chap today, who I thought might be you (692 with JustChoking barrel stickers and Mullers), but wasn't you.
Few tricky stands there today...oddly, all of the ones I wasn't scared of...lesson to be learned there methinks.
Was it foggy at JJ's too?