A question on etiquette

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2021
Hi guys, hope everyone had a good Christmas.

Not wanting to put a foot wrong I have a question on shooting next to other parties.

I've been out a couple of times in the last week and other than the individual sporting stands my local ground have 2 areas with 3 stands each. Compak sporting is one of them, not sure on the other.

My question is what's the etiquette on shooting in one of those stands when another is occupied? Those are the easiest targets and the closest to get to so I don't like just writing them off if someone is already in one. But I also don't think shooting at targets all at the same time is particularly clever. Some of the stands share traps for instance. Today I tried to just shoot in between the other guys as I was there first, but they seemed happy to just come in and start blasting!

Is there a code of conduct that I'm not aware of yet? Does this vary from ground to ground?

Any help is appreciated. 


Not too sure what you mean, but - On any 'practice stand' even if there is one or more stands (ie sportrap stye) = He who has the 'buttons' shoots, others have to wait until you finish.

But If each stand has a separate 'button' for separate targets then i see no reason for not shooting in them. 

Sorry I wasn't as clear as I could have been when describing it. There are 3 stands, probably about 15 meters apart in a rough semi circle. Each stand with its own set of buttons. Thing is I'm not sure every stand has its own 2 traps. Stand 3's incomer comes from the same place as stand 1's left to right crosser. And as the 3 stands are pointing into the same 30 meter area it feels like cutting each others grass, as it were.

I also fish, and its considered really bad form if you cross your lines over someone else's. I know this is different but it makes me feel the same!

As a new shooter I'm wanting to avoid doing something wrong.

Thanks for the reply.

Common courtesy would be to shoot as you say stand A shoots after stand B  , so that the two stands don’t have targets in the air at the same time .  It is not usual practice to have the same trap operated from two separate stands , but it is common for two traps to be on the same tower , or location on practice layouts . Hence their targets distracting you and vice - Versa 
However common courtesy is not always that common . The best advice I can give you is just ignore it and go find another stand  . The high risk strategy is act dumb and shoot their clays 🤡

Sorry I wasn't as clear as I could have been when describing it. There are 3 stands, probably about 15 meters apart in a rough semi circle. Each stand with its own set of buttons. Thing is I'm not sure every stand has its own 2 traps. Stand 3's incomer comes from the same place as stand 1's left to right crosser. And as the 3 stands are pointing into the same 30 meter area it feels like cutting each others grass, as it were.

I also fish, and its considered really bad form if you cross your lines over someone else's. I know this is different but it makes me feel the same!

As a new shooter I'm wanting to avoid doing something wrong.

Thanks for the reply.
From that - You can shoot whatever stands you like in what ever order you like. It would also be safe to assume that non of the stands use the same traps, even if the targets come from the same 'area'. Enjoy yourself. 

Yeah, it does makes sense that they are different traps but sat next to each other. Functionally, it doesn't really matter if there are multiple targets in the air at once, all from the same location.

I might just try that high risk strategy next time! Seems like a good way to start a game of hide and seek!

Ask a couple of the other shooters that are using those stands.
