AAA class at all reg shoots!

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2014
Rossoville Ashford Middx
AAA already exists for the majors. Why is this class excluded at all reg shoots?

Its the same top shooters winning all the shoots, fair play to them for being at the top of their game. But if your a AA shot they are in with you and you stand little chance of ever winning your class.

The most competitive and open classes are A and B, but once in AA it all stops. You have to hit upwards of 90's to be in with a chance. With shoots being won regularly with 98 / 99.

Ground owners might complain that it's another class to pay out for. More shooters might pay for comps instead of birds only if this class changed, prob be self financing. 

Not wanting to cause a bun fight just wondered why AAA exists if it's not fully used. 

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I suppose that I am in AAA class really, my hearing is that bad now it is ...........................A ?.......................A?.........................A?   any time anything is said.

AAA on the large major shoots to give AA class shooters a chance of picking up thats why it was introduced ! , no need to have that class on shoots that are less attended  :cool:

Once you get to AA it all stops anyway, never mind AAA. I personally won next to nothing on my way up through B and A because my progress was slow and organic rather than meteoric and the AA payback only really come when the big boys are elsewhere ! 

In my view there's as much wrong with having lower classes than there is in having AAA, as much as I understand the need for separate classes, at the end of the day you're rewarding mediocrity. B class taking home £100 for an 85 score where some dude who has worked all his life and thrown tens of thousands at the game and who can shoot that kind of score with ease goes home with nothing having scored a hard earned 93. 

AAA on the large major shoots to give AA class shooters a chance of picking up thats why it was introduced ! , no need to have that class on shoots that are less attended  :cool:
​I would tend to disagree with the last bit of that statement - after all your either a 'AA' or 'AAA' shot or a lower class. A lot of reg shoots have between 100-150 entries.

At the very top small margins make the difference, less so in the lower classes as the target gap is wider

All to do with 'prize money' i suspect and how its shared out

If only a couple of 'AA' class shooters turned up, would they be 'clumped' into 'A' class - probably no

But hey ho - the shoots go on  :)

At the end of the day you need to shoot your socks off to pick up if your in the any  class @ any shoot that is well attended 

It's an old discussion. Bottom line is that shoots are better attended if there is prize money down through the ranks, but yes, especially if you are an average AA (as I am) you pretty much can forget prize money. 7 clays spans each of the lower classes average bands but AA spans 17 clays, 83 to 100. It does sometime feel a bit rough to be an unsuccessful AA and watch somebody take £100 for hitting ten clays fewer than you. It's not like we have a bigger gun in AA. Just a higher branch to fall from. ?

It's an old discussion. Bottom line is that shoots are better attended if there is prize money down through the ranks, but yes, especially if you are an average AA (as I am) you pretty much can forget prize money. 7 clays spans each of the lower classes average bands but AA spans 17 clays, 83 to 100. It does sometime feel a bit rough to be an unsuccessful AA and watch somebody take £100 for hitting ten clays fewer than you. It's not like we have a bigger gun in AA. Just a higher branch to fall from. ?
Yes old discussion. But it's never been resolved. Perhaps AA should span 7 as well. Then AAA begins. 

The class cut off for AA is 83-87 ish. With diminishing returns it's correct (so doesn't need to be 7 IMO). The point is, an average of 83 is a world away from an average of 90. It's exponential in ability at the top end to add 5 or 6 clays as there is diminishing return.


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