ABT (a personal view)

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Wow and double wow how long did shoot offf take, 4 days ?
Well they have 150 trap layouts stretching for three miles. And for the shot off everyone is blindfolded so they have to rely on the force!
200x 200 straights...ridiculous ! But that is from 4,000 entries so I guess that would equate to 20 straights at the Kreighof DTL?

Good video here http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NHu352rLyzU&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNHu352rLyzU

Can you imagine shooting a 200 straight and then finding out you are 1 of 200!

Think I'll stick to ABT!


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Ha, me too Greg.

Kriegof prob has 5 straights maybe just to put it into perspective. Will watch vid tomorrow on mobile at the moment.

To crib a line from Derek Partridge (long time advocate of bunker trap (OT) in the USA). A husband returns home having shot ATA trap at the Grand America. Wife says 'so how did you get on?' 'Well love, I shot a 200 straight'. Wife says 'Well done darling. so did you win? Husband replies ' No, I came 200th overall!

True (ish) story


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