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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
All, as the rumour gathers that yet another ground is gone due in no little part to the alledged gold rush that is "solar power" these and the growing menace that is wind turbines that blight more than they enhance I still cannot fathom why as an island surrounded by the most powerful nature on earth, the 70% of the planet that is the sea, that no serious attempt has been made to harness the twice daily tidal flow.

HEP is successfully harnessed in many countries, why an earth it can't be invested in here

Nobody 'owns' the sea so there is nobody who is going to make a lot of money out of renting it out for 'alternative power' schemes so it gets no support,official or otherwise.


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There's miles of shoreline that could be utilised for power generation using the four tidal surges, lord knows there's been some staggering engineering achievements over the years so why not use this natural resource rather than continue with spending the enormous sums than are ploughed into questionable "renewabe" schemes

I'm 61 and was taught about tidal potential for power generation in geography at school especially as the Severn Bore was only a few miles away and yet still nobody is doing anything whilst the countryside and buildings are being blighted by these monstrosities that are solar panels and wind farms.  It was bad enough with the power pylons of years ago but there's not going to be much green and pleasant land left soon!


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